Book Reviews

“Eight Men Out: The Black Sox and the 1919 World Series” by Eliot Asinof

Book review at Knup Sports

Read our Eight Men Out Book Review here at Knup Sports. This book is written by Eliot Asinof. We include a review and links to buy the book directly.

The book “Eight Men Out” was an intriguing book. The author goes through the process and the people involved in the 1919 fix of the World Series. There are bit people who are trying to get involved to make money and there are major players financing the players to get the big score at the betting table.

A good section deals why how this happened. Charles Comiskey, White Sox owner, was very cheap and paid his players much less than other teams. The players were envious of other teams and the treatment they got. The players couldn’t go to the press as Comiskey treated them like first class with a big meal spread at the home games and his players got $3 per day meal money on the road as opposed to $4 by other teams.

There were tense meetings going on where the people involved were only looking out for themselves. It was a big con game among them. The author describes actual plays that went on during the series, he details the Grand Jury and trial that followed.

This book, Eight Men Out, is a very good read that captures the times they were playing in and highlights the greed, power, and tragedy of the scandal. It is a reminder to future generations of baseball players and owners to not repeat past history.

This book is recommended to the baseball history buffs and the casual fans alike.






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