Trevis Waters of joins the show to talk about his new innovative product around Player Props.
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Ryan Knuppel
Hey, what’s going on, everybody? Ryan Knuppel here, Knup Sports Show, episode 221. Thanks so much for joining in with me today. Really appreciate it. I’ve got another great guest today and cannot wait to dive into what’s going on with this guest. It’s right up my alley, talking some sports player props, talking some AI, all the stuff that I just love and can’t wait to dive in and hear what’s going on with this individual.
First off, a little housekeeping. It was great to see all of you guys at the SBC North America event. Thank you for popping by and saying hello. Always great to connect with the audience and people that we connect with in this industry. So that’s always great. Speaking of conferences, though, the Canadian Gaming Summit is coming up June 18th to 20th in Toronto. If you don’t have tickets for that yet, use the promo code NewPartnerVIP to get a discount. So make sure you use that at checkout. You’ll get a little discount there with the Canadian Gaming Summit.
I did go last year. I’m not sure if I’m attending personally this year. We may have some representation from the company, but I’m not sure if I’m going yet or not. But if you do, make sure to use the promo code and get a little discount.
All right, enough housekeeping. Let’s jump into the show today. Today we have an awesome guest. I’m going to bring him on right now. We have Trevis Waters of Player Props AI. Trevis, how are you doing, my friend?
Trevis Waters
Doing pretty good, yeah. So I heard you mention this episode, what, 221? I was like, holy crap. I know you’ve been doing this for a while. 221, that’s pretty high up there. That’s pretty impressive as well because I feel like, not just in this space, but in general, there’s so many people on the podcasting side that’s like, I’m going to do this. And then they get burned out. Maybe some even make it to episode 50 or 100 or whatever. So a little golf clap for you for continuing to get going all the way to 221.
Ryan Knuppel
Thank you. I mean, I could talk a little bit about that forever, but it’s one of those things that you just got to start. If you’re wanting to do something like that, just start. You never know where it’s going to lead. I mean, I had zero at one point, and I was like, I want to do this podcast, but I really don’t know what I’m doing. And I just started, and 221 episodes later, I’m talking to awesome people like you. So it’s been a lot of fun. I’ve enjoyed it, and I get to meet a lot of cool people like yourself.
So anyway, let’s dive into you, Trevis. I know you’ve become one of my good friends in the industry. We’re both here in Orlando, Florida. So I always love seeing you at the conferences. So I personally already know a lot about what you got going on, but I can’t wait to bring you to the audience. Let everybody hear what you got going on. First off, tell us what makes you tick, kind of your background in the industry. What led you up to what you’re doing today?
Trevis Waters
All right, so I’ll try to keep the background part short and sweet because I know you have a certain time frame you want this to be in. Like you said, I can talk for hours about all the things related to the space and unrelated. So background is one of my favorite things to kind of go over because it’s so diverse. How did you go from that industry to this industry and stuff like that?
To start as early as possible to kind of paint the picture here, my background prior to getting into the space was actually acting in entertainment. My degree is in acting. I did a lot of live show entertainment stuff here in Orlando, Florida. A majority of what I did in the live entertainment space was I hosted Double Dare Live for Nickelodeon here in Orlando for about seven years.
What happened into how I transitioned into this space or just transitioned out of that is, I mean, entertaining people is definitely one of my top passions. It was one of the most fun jobs I’ve ever had. But the problem was, I was six years into this job, and I had a degree, but I was still only making $15 an hour. I was like, these things don’t add up. I love this job to death, but I went to school to have potentially a nicer gig, I guess, financially.
And, you know, I talked to them like, hey, I got to get paid more here. I’m an educated college graduate. And I put six years of my life into this. Why am I only making $15 an hour? And they wouldn’t budge. So I go, listen, like, I’m now transitioning into, you know, money is more important than having a great job that I love that’s paying me essentially pennies to what I should be getting.
So what I first did in the fantasy sports and sports betting spaces while I was doing that job, I had a friend of mine who I worked with. We were sitting on the couch in the break room in between shows. She was reading this book on how to write an e-book. It was an actual hard copy book she was reading on how to write an e-book. And I just kept picking her brain about like, tell me all the things, you know, without me reading it, because I know you’re reading on your end.
One of the things was when you’re writing an e-book, the most popular things that are searched, whether it’s Kindle or whatever platform it is, is people looking for how-to things. People want to better themselves, and that’s the most popular form of e-book. And so I go, okay, if I’m going to teach anybody anything, what’s the thing that I have the biggest edge on compared to the next best person?
And so I thought about it for a while, and I was like, I crush a lot of fantasy sports leagues. That’s kind of a big thing for me. So let me see if I can put my knowledge and my skill set and things I’ve learned along the last X amount of years in fantasy sports, put that into a book. So in 2011, I published how to, the first book was Fantasy Football for Beginners. Then I did Fantasy Baseball for Beginners.
And then around that time, these Fandles and DraftKings and other DFS companies started coming out of the woodwork and getting incredibly popular or starting to get popular. And so the third book was How to Make Money Playing Fantasy Sports. It was like, here’s how to monetize those skill sets I just taught you. I had a mini brand that I kind of spiraled from that called Mr. Fantasy Guru. And that was simply just a pay-per-minute chat service, essentially, where people would pay me per minute.
It was like maybe 90 cents, which adds up over time, to ask me, you know, who should I start this week or what should I do with this? And so it was both kind of season-long and DFS wise. I came across somebody on social media who had a similar, not a live chat conversation service, but a similar DFS content-related company. And he was further along than I was. So I thought to myself, you know, after we connected, instead of me doing my own thing by myself, he’s a bit further along. I feel like I can jump on that train and help him grow that exponentially.
So I kind of put my solo thing aside and went on board. That company was DFS Karma. And that was essentially, you know, a team of people that did daily content, but also had, you know, here’s what we’re playing on DraftKings or on FanDuel. And Anthony, who was the CEO and original founder of that, he was really good at analyzing data. This guy’s won six-figure contests left and right. And so a lot of screenshots drew a lot of people in. We grew that.
In 2019, 2020, we actually created a sister brand to that called Bet Karma, which was kind of an AI-infused betting tool, predictions tool. We had those two brands, and fast forward the story, that company was actually acquired earlier this year. While I was going through all these conversations with all these different people who were interested in buying the company, I wasn’t sure if somebody would want to have me on board or not after acquisition.
And I’m like, I have too much skin in this game. I have too much network. I have too many ideas that I don’t want to just, you know, have them acquire and they may not do anything else in the space. So at the beginning of last year, beginning of 2023, I already had kind of these ideas that I started putting into place in my brain. I mention this often when I explain Player Props AI and how this came to getting created or starting to get created last year, and this probably is very cheesy, but I really like this analogy because it helps me make it make more sense.
For those MCU fans out there, Player Props AI is essentially my infinity gauntlet. For the last seven years in the space, what I’ve been doing is I’ve been collecting infinity stones and they’re different skill
sets or different knowledge or networking or ideas. And so like one would be, prior to me getting thrown into the fire with DFS Karma, essentially, meaning when I say that, I wore every single hat for this company.
So I learned things that I had zero skill sets in, like how to talk to developers on taking the picture that I’m painting inside my head and communicating with them to this is how it should work. This is what I needed to look like. So that’s essentially the developer side of things is, quote unquote, an infinity stone. One is the network. I’ve been going to all these conferences for the last five years, networking with all these people, and I would have never been able to create three years ago in this space because there are certain parts of what I’ve done and partnerships I already have with this company that I didn’t even know about prior to it.
So yeah, just collecting all these stones and it came to a point where I go, I actually have all of the things I need to be able to create this and, you know, not make me go bankrupt simultaneously, which is a huge plus because nobody wants that to happen. And so, yeah, we created it. I know I tried to keep that short and sweet, but to kind of give transition now to what I assume might be the next question is, you know, an overview of or a quick one of that.
It’s essentially, I’m going after the responsible gaming side of things. There’s nobody really out there that’s doing a great job or even trying to do a great job or maybe even trying at all to do responsible gaming as a B2C non-operator. Because right now, the only people pushing responsible gaming are the governments, the state governments, and the operators themselves, the sportsbooks and whatnot. And then what the affiliates and what everybody else does is, their efforts in the responsible gaming is putting, oh, hey, if you’re addicted, 1-800-GAMBLER, call this number.
And that’s literally it. That’s all they’re doing, which is definitely not helpful. So I think responsible gaming right now, as it is today, is a joke because it’s so heavily pushed down the throats of everyone else. Like, you have to do this. You have to make sure you have this text. And it makes them want to believe or want us to believe that they actually care about the user. They care about the better. But as it is today, that’s not the case. It doesn’t feel like that. And it feels cheesy because they want us to pretend that it feels like that.
So there’s another level. So right now, responsible gaming as of today, this is how I view it in a nutshell. There’s three levels to it. It’s are you old enough? Are you in the right state borders that has the legalization for it? And the third one is, are you addicted by our definition of addiction? So if it doesn’t check all the boxes for them, but you may be addicted from other clinical diagnosis, then, hey, if you don’t check all the boxes for us, then you’re not addicted.
If you add a fourth tier to that, it solves all the problems and it’s a win-win for everybody. And that fourth tier is betting literacy. I have proven through my amazing partnerships I’ve had over the last six, seven years, the price picks and monkey knife fight, rest in peace, is that if you increase the user’s intelligence, even slightly. So if you’re taking a scale of one to 10 on betting literacy, betting intelligence, one being the worst and 10 being a betting God, so to speak.
If you take someone from a one to a two, that increases their confidence so much that when they deposit and they blow their money and they lose everything, they go on the level one side, it’s like, oh man, I suck at this. I don’t wanna do this anymore. So whatever they deposited, that’s the lifetime value of the user. But if you increase it slightly, just a little bit, then the user, when they are hopefully practicing bankroll management, not just blowing their entire bankroll every day.
When they lose, it’s not, oh, I suck at this. It’s like, oh, hey, that’s just sports betting luck. That’s sports outcomes. Let me reevaluate myself. Let me use all these other things that I’ve learned to kind of attack it tomorrow or go after this. And everybody wins in this, which is the crazy scenario where the sportsbooks make more money off that user because they’re consistently playing because they have that more confidence. And it’s not just I suck. It’s just, hey, that’s just how things go.
The user makes more money because they’re actually having wins, spread out through all of the losses they have. And then me being the intermediary, the middleman of, let me increase your intelligence. As much as I can, I want to make, I’m going to make you go from one to a 10, but if I make you go from one to two, that’s still, you’re still doing better than you did with before you met me. So that’s kind of what I’m attacking.
And to end my long-winded answer, which again, I apologize, the only way you get someone to, so we’re going to be implementing free courses and stuff into our app, almost like a Duolingo style, to teach people certain things, terminology, strategies, beginning stuff, and then intermediate stuff, and advanced stuff.
The only way you get somebody to actually take a free course because there’s millions of free courses out there and people aren’t taking them. So you have to figure out why, because they’re not incentivized, even though it potentially could make them more money at their job, a higher salary. There’s just people that don’t want to take courses. They’ve done, oh, I did high school. I did college. I don’t want to do any more education.
So I have to make such an incentivized program to get them to take these free betting courses. So what I did is, as of right now, as of what the site is at the second, there’s no educational courses built in yet because I’m focusing on the first part, which is create the sexiest individual player prop research platform that is so great that people have no question and don’t even bat their eyes at a $59 a month price tag for full access to all the data and the projections.
Once I can prove to myself, to the investors, to the space that, hey, my research platform is crushing it. People have no qualms about paying $59 a month. Then I implement the education side. And then it’s, hey, Ryan, I see that you’re signed up. You’re paying $59 a month. You’re having a great time learning and stuff. But just take a second. Go to this course real quick, this betting 101 course, and just go through that and complete that real quick.
You go through and you complete that because you are bettering yourself, even if it doesn’t help me or my company, because that’s my entire kind of mission statement. I’m actually going to comp your next month. So you don’t have to pay $59 next month. You’re trying to better yourself. Perfect. You’re part of the program. You understand what’s going on here. Don’t even worry about the next month I got you.
And then the final part I’m going to mention before I stop talking is we’re not just going to be comping every single month, every time you complete a course. The next level beyond that is, let’s say you complete Betting 102. basic strategies or whatever, instead of me giving you another comp month, when you first signed up with me, let’s say you said you were in the state of Ohio and your favorite sportsbook is FanDuel Sportsbook. We’re going to send daily reports out to all of our partners, all these sportsbooks. And it’s going to say, Ryan completed betting 102. Here’s his FanDuel Sportsbook account email or whatever. And then they’re going to send a $50 free bet to your account.
Because I mean, let’s be honest, they give you $50 free bets because you woke up in the morning. So of course, they’re going to get $50 free bets if it’s something that makes them look good on the responsible gaming side. So that’s essentially the combination of the background and then what Player Props AI is trying to accomplish. I promise no other answer will be anywhere near that long. I promise.
Ryan Knuppel
You know what? Okay. So you’re making my life easy here, Trevis. You’re making my life easy. I don’t have to ask much. You’re just rocking and rolling through the question series. That’s the first thing. Second thing, don’t you even worry. I’ve already extended this thing out to like 30 minutes or something like that. We’ll go a little beyond the normal timeframe. As I’m talking, you’re just like texting your next meetings. Like, sorry, I’m not, I’m going to cancel this. It’s not happening.
Yeah. We’re going to be a little late for this one. No, that’s okay. That’s one thing I really like about you is you really are thorough with your answers and really can explain what you’re up to. Well, one follow-up question I have, and this is just kind of random, but, you know, you’re talking about these courses and the courses that you’re referring to seem very broad in sports betting. Right. I mean, they’re sports betting 101. You refer to stuff like that.
Why did you pick player props in particular to feature for the research tool? When I think about it, that’s one segment of
this whole betting world. Why did you really focus on player props as your research tool?
Trevis Waters
Love that question. So there’s a few answers for that. And again, I will make them as short and sweet as possible. So just to go, I guess, go by point by point, let me do like a bullet point here. The first part is, I am well connected in the sports betting space and the player prop space or the pick’em space, the DFS 2.0, whatever those companies want to call themselves. They changed their niche title every single six months. But that space, the prize picks, the underdog, the better, better picks, all of those things.
I’m well connected with all of them. I had partnerships with all of them with Karma on that side. If I have a research platform that caters to both sides, I essentially have more eyeballs, so to speak. So if I only do something that’s sports betting, then I only have the FanDuel Sportsbooks or the Drafting Sportsbooks. I don’t really have anything on PrizePicks. If I only do things on the Pick’em side, then I don’t have the sportsbooks.
And so Player Props is what essentially syncs those two together. So it’s just more broad reach. There are states as well that have PrizePicks as an option and FanDuel Sportsbook as an option. And so that’s even more of a reason for somebody to sign up because I have tools and projections and stuff that cater to both. So just more expansion, more reach that way.
Another answer would be, well, so I get the relationship side of it, the reach side of it. I knew that I could create tools that were visually pleasing. So that’s another thing as well, like graphs and things for individual players or athletes. Another reason would be that, I was going to figure out how I was going to word this next part, is I saw things that were in the space that I could do better. I saw clientele that weren’t being reached.
So this is kind of the, I guess one of the bigger answers is, you know, there are currently some, a handful of player prop research tools out there. I’m really good friends with Evan, CEO of Outlier. There’s also the first to market guy who was crushing it, Peter with Props.Cash. These guys have been on podcasts as well. If you listen to any of their podcasts, it’s always like Evans mentioned that he targets the intermediate to advanced users, which essentially I’ve looked at all of the player prop research apps.
They all are the same thing. They target the intermediate to advanced users, which essentially is saying we want people who already understand what a money line is, what a spread is. We already want people to understand what the data is that I’ve built into my app. So I don’t have to, you know, handhold, I don’t have to babysit. I don’t have to teach them anything. They just, I give them the stuff and they know how to use it.
And so what I saw in the big picture is that, if they’re targeting the five to 10 on the betting intelligence scale, that’s only 5% of the entire betting population, if not less than that. Everybody starts at a one, very few people can even get to a two. And then if you get to a five, I mean, you’re still doing pretty good. So I’m like, okay, you guys keep tackling the five percenters. I’m going to go after the 95%. I’m going to go after the bigger market that nobody’s helping because nobody wants to do the teaching or the handholding.
And I know I mentioned the entertainment side is a large portion of my background, but I also have the large portion of that being education, teaching, training, and stuff like that. I mentioned that my first step into the fantasy sports and sports betting space was literally creating educational eBooks for fantasy sports. So it’s always part of that background. Like I said, this is the infinity gauntlet. So take the education, take the entertainment side, take the fantasy sports, the sports betting, all that stuff.
boom, let’s merge it into one. And I mean, today, actually, this recording, this is actually the two-month anniversary of us launching live, the live site we have. And so, I mean, we’re doing pretty good so far. And my favorite part is just the feedback. Are people actually getting what I’m trying to do? Are they understanding? Are they appreciative of what I’m trying to do for them? And the feedback I’ve been getting in these two or three months has been, it’s so awesome, like, okay, I’m on the right track because people are getting it.
Yesterday, just to give an example, in our Discord, which we have a pretty good Discord, I have the largest US sports bettor Facebook group. It’s about 150,000 people in it. So I kind of use that as a sales funnel or a filter, just get into the free Discord and go from there. But anyway, in the Discord, in one of our VIP channels, which is premium-only members, one of the guys did a no-run first inning parlay. So maybe like four or five picks. And a lot of people tailed him in this VIP channel.
It got to a point where the last game was the Astros game that had like a 9:40 PM first pitch. And somebody’s posting like, I really hope this hits. And I was like, no, no, no, no. Like, if you get to the final leg of a parlay that pays you at least 10X of your original bet, you should be hedging that final leg and guaranteeing the fact that you have profit. And so I spent 30 minutes, even though I created some hedge bot tools where you can type in what you’ve done and it’ll tell you what to do hedge-wise. I have a what is hedging video on the YouTube channel. People still kind of need that walkthrough, that handholding.
I spent 30 minutes kind of talking to one of our subs about it and then everybody else was kind of seeing that. And then, of course, Seattle scored three runs in the first inning. So anybody that paid attention to this and decided to hedge that final leg, they made profit on the day. And then everybody else that said, no, I’m just going to ride it out, they have zero dollars when they could potentially have at least 50 or 100, depending on what they bet. So I don’t know, it’s, I don’t know, the teaching side of it, the making someone smarter thing is such a passion for me.
And so it’s so interesting for me to think back on even yesterday of, I felt so good about, not because they made money because of them being part of the community, but just the teaching side of it and that I made them smarter. And so the people that didn’t listen to me when I was explaining hedging, they’re now in the Discord like, man, I’m 100% doing that next time I’m in that scenario. So, of course, it’s just better as that makes them more money, makes them lose less money. And that’s the confined version of that answer.
Ryan Knuppel
Yeah. No, I mean, I’m a big proponent of education. Obviously, being a content guy myself, I love the education side of all this. And I think, you know, one thing a lot of people maybe fall into the trap of, especially us that do kind of know what we’re doing in the sports betting space. We start to fall into this trap of like, oh, well, everyone kind of knows that. That’s obvious answers, but that’s not necessarily true. There’s so many new sports bettors. There’s so many people that are jumping into the space that don’t know what hedging is, that don’t know what a parlay means.
They don’t know some of this education stuff. So I really think, I don’t know, I think some people think, oh yeah, that education, people know that. People know they should know that, but I don’t think that’s always true. So I think getting down to the basics sometimes is needed. And I love what you’re doing and you’re going to tie that into the tool itself and I really do want to dive into the tool here real quick. We’ve talked a lot about the education side and I’m a huge proponent of that, but let’s dive into the actual tool. I’m going to pull up the screen here, Player Props.
So give me a little tech first of all. So is it a website? Is it an app? How do they subscribe? All of the above there. And then let’s just dive into the guts of it. Like what at the core of it is it doing? What’s it helping, you know, comparing across player props? What’s it doing? So let’s dive in a little bit. I’m going to pull up the screenshot here and let you talk a little bit about the tool itself.
Trevis Waters
Yeah. So what I wanted to do when we launched this is – a lot of people create a company, they’ll create something like a tool feature and they’ll launch an app and they’ll just hope everything goes how they want it to. And so what I wanted to do is I launched, well, let’s not even say launched, we offered an open beta completely free to everybody for pretty much the month of March. So we launched officially the monetized version, the paywall version on March 28th, which was MLB opening
day, which was two months ago today, as I mentioned before.
But I actually did pretty much March 3rd, I think, to the 28th. Everybody could use it for free because that’s kind of the instantaneous user feedback. If you have tens of thousands of people using it for free, then you’re going to get all the feedback you need. It’s also going to find crashes or bugs quickly because people are like, hey, this isn’t working out. And so I started with only the mobile web. So if you went to desktop, even on the launch day, it would essentially be a landing page that says, hey, this is only accessible right now by using your phone or mobile device.
And then I think we’re about, I want to say two weeks into launching the desktop site. So the desktop site, which is, I know you’re looking at the landing page right now for desktop. So we have that because there’s a lot of people that like having a lot of tabs open. So they’ll have their Fable Sports over here. They’ll have the player props that they got over there. So we launched that and then knock on the fake wood of my desk.
By the end of this week, it’s right now we’re at Tuesday. So by the end of this week, we should have the app available on iOS and the Google Play Store. Essentially, of course, pretty much being the mobile web version, just a downloadable app. And so that’s kind of how we’re working through things. So by the time we get to the app, which I feel like a lot of people make the mistake of going straight to app first, is I already have tens of thousands of users that already have experience with the site and they already like the site because if they don’t like the site, then they have all this feedback stuff to kind of fix issues or bugs.
But we’ve spent the last two, three months kind of working through any unforeseen issues. So now when we drop the app, I’m expecting a pretty good more or less review funnel because I have so many eyeballs already that it’s going to kind of start that on a great foot. So that’s kind of my thought process behind how I did mobile web into desktop, into the app side of things. I feel like that’s going to be a good start to kind of get it shot up in the SEO of the app stores, so to speak.
Yeah, I’m such a desktop sucker. I mean, I know everybody’s moving to mobile, but I’m that guy that you described earlier that I got 300 tabs up and I’m like, oh, I got this, I got this, I got screens, I got things everywhere that’s helping me. So I still operate in that manner. I don’t know if I’ll ever move to mobile only, but definitely operate in that manner. I was going to say if you want to, because I know right now you’re looking at the landing page. I don’t know if you have created an account yet by any chance?
Maybe or not recently. So if I do, I’ll have to get my password and all of that. Well, if you want to switch me to presenter real quick, I know we’re in the middle of actually recording this. I can actually pull up my screen, which has the full premium paywall removed and everything like that.
Yeah, cool. That’d be great. I’ll make you make you presenter and we can go from there if I can figure out how that’s always the. Always the issue in this, if I can. If I can’t, I don’t even know if I know how, so I may not be able to right now, which is okay. Why don’t you just start talking a little bit about the functionality? Because what I really want to understand is, more about the functionality, right?
So you’re taking games and you’re taking players, looking at their lines for all these player props across all these different sites, comparing those, giving your projections as well, and really just educating on where to get the best lines and what might be winners, right? I mean, give me the high-level functionality of what’s going on while I try to fumble around and get you access to present.
Yeah. So right now, so I say we’re pretty much at a one or 2% build mark. So what you currently see on the site after you log in is only one to 2% of what is going to become. And that’s not even, you know, because you also have to implement the educational tools and everything. There’s so many other features and things on the research platform side of things that we’re going to be adding.
Right now, before that, it’s kind of, okay, this is our, we’re going to tackle this today and we’re going to tackle this today. So it’s kind of a one item at a time kind of thing. But right now, not even right now. So the grand picture is I want there to be a past, present, and future research portion. Right now, you’re seeing only the past and the future. Past-wise, you’re seeing the historical data. You can pull up and you can see different metrics for every single player.
So let’s just say you’re looking at Luka for the game tonight, which I’m hoping they sweep. I want Luka to get as much rest as the Boston Celtics are getting because they swept. I really want the Mavericks to beat the Celtics for a handful of reasons. I have a lot of futures parlays, and I have the highest paying one is the Edmonton Oilers and the Dallas Mavericks to win. There’s two other things that need to happen on that ticket, but that is turning essentially 50 into 1.2 million, which will essentially be my seed round.
Ryan Knuppel
Wow. That’s big news. Wow.
Trevis Waters
I started doing this last year where futures parlays and then while the playoffs are going on, particularly hedging those futures parlays. So essentially, I can turn a small amount of total invested capital into a large amount of cash. If everything happened, but as of right now with all the hedging I’m guaranteeing myself that I have one ticket that will have the NBA and NHL winner, it’s inevitable. I’m just hoping it’s the Edmonton Oilers and the Dallas Mavericks. That’s the highest payout. Side note, congrats.
Well, yeah, there’s still a few things that have to happen after that, but that’s like the crux of getting it started. So anyway, past and present. So if you’re wanting to look at Luka for tonight, we have a very easy to digest data for him where when you click on his player card, it’ll show you that graph. I know a lot of people have a lot of apps that now have these player prop graphs, but not to mention any names, but 90% of them are just horrible visually in terms of UX UI.
And that’s something else I mentioned of how I came up with the idea is I go, there’s a lot of things in the space that don’t exist. There’s a lot of sports bettors in the space that aren’t being targeted, but also there’s a lot of things in the space that do exist that I know from the skill sets that I’ve acquired over the last seven years that I can make better. And so in terms of the UX UI of the bar graph, there’s nobody that compares to what I’ve been able to do with my designers. So I’m very excited and very happy about that.
Just visually how it works and how it looks. But essentially you can look and you can filter things by who’s got the best out of everybody for NBA tonight. Who’s got the best hit rate on the over of their current line on FanDuel Sportsbook, so to speak. You can sort it by last five, last 10. You can sort it by last for the whole season or only versus that specific opponent. You can play around things like that.
What’s really popular right now for PrizePicks has Taco Tuesdays and FanDuel and DraftKings have the alt lines, which are all the same thing. It’s people getting, you know, if somebody’s line is 25.5, they make it 20 or more points. So they feel like it’s a better chance to hit because you’re shaving off five points for a slightly worse payout. And so on the bottom of the player card pages, we have the data, the bar graphs are, let’s say Luka’s line, I didn’t look at it today, but let’s just say it’s 25.5.
If you’re on a site and you’re like, you know, I think I want to do 20. Let me see his hit rate on 20. You can just use what we call the alt line toggle and you just click it a few times, make it go down to 20.5 and that changes the entire display of hit rates based on what line you actually want to attack.
Cool. So we have that as well. And then this is the last part I was going to mention about a previous question you asked, but I just remembered the answer to it is why player props. So how the US is different than the UK, which has been much more established in betting for a very long time is we we’ve only had access that we have today for, for sports betting since 2018. Right.
And so what, what did we do for the decades or even the, I don’t want to say century, but the decades before that is we did fantasy sports. What is fantasy sports? Fantasy sports is researching and figuring out individual player performance. And so we, so us as a country, as a nation
have been ingrained by researching individual player performance. And that’s why now that we’re, what, six years into this new sports betting industry, this regulated sports betting industry, that never went away.
So we still have the individual player research side of it. So that’s why, even though FanDuel Sportsbook and DraftKings and whatever, they have money lines, they have spreads, they have team totals, they’re still so high of a portion of their bets being player props because that’s what we’ve been ingrained to do because of fantasy sports being available to us. And so that’s another reason why I wanted to target this space is because I don’t think it is right now, but most likely by 2027.
My guesstimation is that player individual player props on sports books is probably going to be like 90% of what they do because of the popularity of all of this stuff and what we’ve been accustomed to.
Ryan Knuppel
Sure. Awesome. Well, Trevis, I know you could talk about this forever and you could give it four hours. I’d actually love to have the audience dive in and check this out. So how do they get started? How do they get started with this? Is it as simple as coming out to, signing up and going from there? Tell the audience how they can get started with the tool.
Trevis Waters
So I do a Monday through Friday show just me by myself using the tool on my YouTube channel. I’m not a, I don’t like it to come off as like I’m a picks guy. Like watch the video, see about picks I’m playing. I stress every single episode. This is an educational series. I’m teaching you how my brain works when I use the tool I created. So you can know how your brain should work when you use the tool I created.
And so if they just watch like, oh, he’s picking these three and you lock them in and you don’t ever go to and actually implement that process then you’re essentially shooting yourself in the foot so to answer your question I actually mention this on every episode uh because I know that there’s people watching me for the first time every single time I upload a new one I say you have to if you are someone who’s trying to win more bets then lose more than loot uh the bets you’re losing there’s something I i do these hashtags that I’ve branded on the show this one’s hashtag bare minimum and the bare minimum that it costs you zero dollars and zero zero cents that you proving to yourself that you actually want to win more than lose is you subscribe to the youtube channel because there’s a ton of educational stuff being dropped every single day uh subscribe to the youtube channel which is just uh you get into the community discord which is free as well there’s a lot of free channels and there’s a lot of tools I created to help you figure things out without having to do the math yourself that are free to use.
And that’s something you can access by going to the website, logging in, and then clicking, just clicking Discord. And then the website itself is the third step to doing the bare minimum. There’s a lot of stuff we offer for free on the website. And you just go to and just create a free account. That’s how you get to the Discord. And then you can actually find the YouTube through the site itself or going directly to YouTube and searching
But yeah, that’s what we call the bare minimum. So if you are watching this not as someone in the space but someone who is struggling with sports betting, and you just want kind of a little extra help there, you do the bare minimum. And it’s a guarantee that if you, another branded hashtag, hashtag apply yourself, if you follow all the guidelines, like the bankroll management we have, all of the other things, it’s a guarantee that you’re going to be losing less often if you’re coming to us because that’s the scenario or that’s the problem that you’re in right now.
Because the biggest problem is people, FanDuel is making these single-game parlays of 20 pick legs so popular that everybody’s like, oh, I want to turn ten dollars into a million dollars today. And so my job in the space is rewiring their brains from this chaos these sportsbooks are creating. But yeah, so that’s how to get in touch is just create an account and get into the Discord. If you want the educational stuff, the YouTube’s there for you too as well.
Ryan Knuppel
Well, I’ve been a YouTube junkie for quite some time, but I’ve kind of taken it to another level of consuming YouTube lately. It’s kind of like my all, where I learn everything. So I’ll definitely jump onto your I put that link up here as well. We’ll add it to the show notes so nobody has to remember. But yeah, I encourage everybody to go out to YouTube, check out, check out as well to get into the tool.
Trevis, connect with Trevis out on LinkedIn as well. He’s an amazing individual, as you can tell, could talk forever about this type of stuff. I always enjoy when we get to meet up at events and talk through what’s going on in the industry and with our businesses and all the above. So I’d encourage everybody listening to this to connect with Trevis. And if you haven’t already, you might have already because Trevis has that wide network. I’m everywhere.
Everywhere, including the dance floor, including the dance floor. We find Trevis at these events. We have a good time. So we’ll just leave it at that. All right, well, appreciate your time, man.
Trevis Waters
So the last thing I was going to mention real quick is you mentioned and you put up on the site. So I actually had a different name when I first started doing the development side of things and .ai became a new extension on like GoDaddy. And the fact that this was available, like floored me. I go 100%, this is going to be the name of the company. This is the most SEO friendly URL of all time.
Ryan Knuppel
Doesn’t it feel good when something like that happens? It’s like you’re racking your brain and all of a sudden it’s like, that’s it. It’s done. It’s wrapped. And then you’re like, this is it. This is it. Yeah.
Awesome. All right, Trevis. Well, I’m going to let you go. I really appreciate your time here today. Thank you so much. And we’ll keep in touch and talk to you soon.
Trevis Waters
All right. Sounds good. Thanks for having me on.
Ryan Knuppel
All right. Talk to you soon. Have a good one.
All right, Trevis Waters, Hopefully you enjoyed that show. I do encourage you to go out and check that out, especially if you do any player props. I mean, it’s a tool in your tool belt to just help you win more money when you’re playing on PrizePicks, Underdog, things of that nature. Trevis doing some amazing things. So hopefully you enjoyed that. If you do have other shows, other people you’d like me to bring on to this show, please let me know.
That was episode 221. Like Trevis said, we are just increasing the number of shows, having fun with content and going from there. All right. That’s all I have for you today. We’ll talk to you in the next one. Again, if you’re going to the Canadian Gaming Summit, use NewPartnerVIP as your promo code. They’ll get you a little discount. All right, guys. Talk to you soon. Stay safe. Have a great one. Bye-bye.

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