The Runs Created Formula in the Sabermetric world is defined as it estimates a player’s offensive contribution in terms of total runs. It combines a player’s ability to get on base with his ability to hit for extra bases. Then it divides those two by the player’s total opportunities. Opportunities are the number of at-bats plus walks.
How to Figure the Runs Created Formula
TB x (H + BB) / (AB + BB)
How are Runs Created Useful?
- measures how well a hitter completes one of the central focuses of his job — creating runs.
This makes it a better statistic than runs batted in or runs scores as it combines a player’s ability to get on base with the ability to advance on the bases and create runs. One thing to keep in mind here is if a player misses time on the field the lower runs created is likely to be. This number should help solve issues with which player is most valuable.
Let’s look back at 1958. It was a race between Ernie Banks and Willie Mays. Banks was the eventual winner but let’s look closer. Banks has 47 home runs, 129 RBI’s while Mays had 29 homers and 96 RBI’s. Easy right? Not so fast. Ernie Banks RC was 135 while Willie Mays came in with 152. Mays was more valuable to his team than Banks (in season, Mays team won 8 more games than Banks).In the MVP voting Banks had 16 and Mays had 3.
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About the author– Tom Knuppel has been writing about baseball and sports for a few decades. As an avid St. Louis Cardinals fan he began with the blog CardinalsGM. Tom is a member of the United Cardinals Bloggers and the Baseball Bloggers Alliance. He also maintains the History of Cardinals website. More recently he has been busy at KnupSolutions and the primary writer of many sports at KnupSports and adds content at Sports 2.0. Tom is a retired High School English and Speech teacher and has completed over one hundred sportsbook reviews. He also can be followed on Twitter at tknup.
Feel free to contact Tom at
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