Ken Reid is the author of this 240 page book that is quite fascinating. I have often heard or read about professional baseball players talking about just wanting to get one hit in the league or just one at-bat. Well this is the hockey version of professional players get one goal and only one lifetime goal. Playing hockey isn’t easy for many kids because they have to master skating while handle a stick. Then they have to make sure to put that stick on a moving hockey puck. If that wasn’t hard enough then they must shoot it at a bet that has a person in front of it doing their darnedest to keep it from going in,
This book covers all of the hockey positions and dates back into the 1960’s with interviews and recollections of the players that scored one goal. In fact, he details 39 players. This is an entertaining book due to his interviewing skills and the “old timers” giving some background into how they got to the NHL and what happened along the way. Of interest is the first goalie to score a goal (his only goal) from Billy Smith of the New York Islanders. The saddest story might be from Damian Surma who got called up and was on the ice in a matter of a few hours. He scored a goal and was living high on the feeling but then had his shoulder separated and off to surgery and back to the minors. Never to return.
These are all hockey players that got a cup of coffee in the National Hickey League before getting moved on. The book is a fun and authentically researched book that belongs on the bookshelf of fans of all sports.
The book is a solid A for interest and uniqueness.
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