Matt Deutsch of the Bettor Sports Network joined Ryan on the show to talk about his first year in business. Launching, learning, struggling, succeeding & more!
Ryan Knuppel:
Hey, hey, hey. What’s going on everybody? Ryan Knupple here. New Sports show, episode 205. Hey, I first want to apologize, it’s been a minute since I’ve been on here, the summer months, just kind of catch up with you and lots of family stuff, lots of travel’s going on, so I haven’t brought you a show episode and I don’t know it. Maybe it’s been a month now, but guess what? I’m going to make it up to you because I have a really, really awesome guest today, somebody that I respect a lot in the industry and that I’m super excited to bring his story to you and let you learn a little bit more about this individual. We are just a week away from N F L football season started. I could not be more excited, super excited for this season and everything that goes along with football season. I mean, we all love and wait for this day so soon it’s coming. Alright, well without further ado, I’m going to go ahead and bring on my guest today. I have none other than Matt Deutsch, a better sports network. Matt, how are you my friend?
Matt Deutsch:
I’m doing great. Thank you so much. The eve of the N F L season, it’s a great time for sports business and a fantastic summer. I hope everybody’s enjoying the year and time for us to all buckle down, get in the huddle and have some fun.
Ryan Knuppel:
Isn’t that funny? We go throughout the whole summer, almost depressed. We’re sitting here, what are we going to do? There’s no sports, there’s no football. I mean obviously there’s baseball, but then it comes and all of a sudden we’re like, oh crap, we’re not ready. As sports business people we’re like, oh, we’re behind. Why didn’t I do stuff all summer? And so I don’t know if you feel that at all, but I always feel that right? When football comes, I’m like, oh crap, it’s here.
Matt Deutsch:
It’s mostly because of the tremendous innovation and technology opportunities in our space. I mean, there’s so much happening. There’s so many great companies and smart people doing cool things. You want to do a little bit of everything. You want to be here, you want to be there. You want to do something small, you want to do something big. It is quite a rush to be able to put it all together and a challenge to multitask and prioritize.
Ryan Knuppel:
Oh, absolutely. Well, cool. Well, Matt, let’s dive right in here. I want the audience to get to know you a little bit. They probably already do know you, but first off, tell us a little bit about yourself and maybe your career path leading up to Better Sports Network and what brought you to where you are today.
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Matt Deutsch:
Well, thank you. I’m a sports radio junkie. I grew up in the New York area listening to W F A N Radio in the late eighties and following sports and such a different time back then, pre-internet rolled through college and dove into radio as the best way for me to work in sports and fulfill my dream. I worked in community radio outside New York City and really learned everything about the broadcast industry from covering live shows and news and stories to writing and running aboard and selling and cleaning toilets and scraping satellite dishes off with snow and really doing it all. It was fantastic. I didn’t have much of an opportunity in college to study broadcasting, so the community format was wonderful for me and I would recommend to everybody out there looking to get there. Start in broadcasting is become an intern dive in work part-time, offer to do anything and find a spot where you could really learn it all.
I was tremendously fortunate to get a tour to W F A N Radio right around the turn of the century, the place I always wanted to work. And on that tour I found myself in the program directors Eric Spitz’s office and told him I would do anything for him to let me come and work for W F A N. A few weeks later, got a call, worked in the newsroom at the fan outside of the legendary mike and the Mad Dog doing their shows in the afternoon, and then got to work in the studio and do New York Mets baseball and send the broadcast a break and have my basically production before the game and after the game and such a rush. And then ultimately led to producing talk shows at the fan and doing a lot of great things. Moved to SiriusXM in 2004 to get a national scope on the broadcasting industry.
Learned a lot. Couldn’t believe how passionate college football is in this country. Didn’t really see that in New York, but the college football crowd on the national level at Sirius xm. And of course all the live events that we did at Sirius XM Sports at the Daytona 500, the Super Bowl, the World Series, the N B A All-Star game. We were everywhere. I pitched my boss, Steve Cohen on the first Fantasy Sports Radio channel. We didn’t have that back then. You had to listen to terrestrial radio to try to find some information and the hosts didn’t want to take your calls. They were afraid of the fantasy football people that we knew the sport better than them and they wouldn’t answer our questions and they wouldn’t put us through. And we knew there was tremendous passion for fantasy football and Steve knew as a fantasy football hall of Famer himself.
So we pitched it to the C E o, Mel Carin and he said yes, and we launched SiriusXM Fantasy Sports Radio in 2010. I was a first time dad working with a staff in a different city, a true remote manager, and we did so many fantastic, wonderful things there. We broadcast live from the N F L draft. We had N F L rookies sitting down at our table at Radio City Music Hall talking about being drafted in the N F L from a fantasy football perspective. Of course, we had Maurice Jones drew the running back of the Jacksonville Jaguars hosted his own show running with M J D. He was the number three pick overall in 2010. The Jaguars didn’t want him to do the show. They’d be afraid. They thought he’d give away the game plan. Maurice was very smart in the way that he worked fantasy football, and he was really the first person on the athlete level that embraced fantasy.
And it didn’t go well there. Who knows what would’ve happened. He was at SiriusXM for a long time and watched the industry closely saw sports betting becoming legalized. When the pandemic came, all of us radio producers were working from home using fantastic innovative equipment. And I knew then that there was an opportunity for me to go off and produce my own network. Something I always wanted to do. I thought I’d have to buy a radio tower. But the innovation in remote equipment, I informed SiriusXM and left on great terms saying I wanted to start my own network on January 1st, 2022. Set off on my own was so humbled and honored that people that I had worked with in my past wanted to work with me again. Some fantastic people that joined our team. We found an app in the marketplace. We purchased it, we built on top of it.
And on August 29th, 2022, we launched Better Sports Network focusing on fantasy sports betting and collectibles, a live interactive sports talk network using all the latest technology and stuff that hadn’t been done before. I really wanted to use this as an opportunity to fix radio change radio help radio. We took out commercial breaks, we took out 60 seconds scripts that don’t sound authentic. We built a lot of technology like a one touch call in button so you didn’t have to dial nine numbers when you’re driving around to call in. We do video calls, we do instant prizes at the touch of a button you could win. So it’s been a hoot to be able to put this together as a first time, first year entrepreneur. We just closed out our first year. We’ve learned so much, Ryan and I can’t wait to talk about it.
Ryan Knuppel:
That’s amazing. There’s a lot to unpack there. Matt. Thank you for that detailed trip down your journey, this show. I love to feature you and what you’re doing, but I’d also like to bring a little business into it as well. And I’m going to jump right in here because you said something really early in what you said that just kind of in my mind, a lot of people look at people like yourself and they say, man, I want to be there. I wish I was him. I wish I was doing what he was doing. And you said something early that one of your first jobs, you’re basically like, what do I need to do? I’ll do anything to work here. I will do anything to be a part of this. And that kind of led you to the next thing, to the next thing, to the next thing. All these stepping stones that kind of got you to where you are today, right? I think a lot of people were scared to take that, almost like dig in the dirt and do whatever it takes to get started. Tell us a little bit about that and just how you were able to, I mean almost humble yourself and say, I’ll do anything to work here and how that led you just to where you’re today. I think best for some people that are trying to get somewhere to take,
Matt Deutsch:
I think no matter what industry you’re in, this attitude that I’ve had will help you. And it was a refuse to be outworked attitude that I’ve always had. We can’t control our talents. We can get better, we can learn, but what we can control is how much effort we put in, how much focus we put in. And I was never going to get outworked in that area in a nice competitive way. Obviously learning from all my colleagues, reading, watching what other people were doing, staying late, not worrying about a clock and just being there, just being a fly on the wall, taking it all in, whether I’m in a newsroom, watching people produce a studio or watch people write or sell on the community level. It was really easy to humble myself. I had no beginning, I had nothing. So I came in saying, I want to learn it all and just never say no.
Of course it’s easy to say that. Of course life gets in the way and everybody’s got things going on. But through my years, there have been others that have worked for me with me and they had that never say no mentality. And it does help. I mean it helps as a manager to be able to know who you can count on. It helps as a manager to know who you can come to with an uncomfortable request. Maybe ask somebody to do something that’s beneath their pay level. But it’s so comforting to know that you’ve got people that will roll up their sleeves, dive in and aren’t afraid to do job one from the beginning. And as a leader, it’s important to do that yourself. So I’ve always had that refuse to be out work, do everything mentality. Just get in the door. If you’re talent, if you want to be a host, a play-by-play person, I’ve always said just do it, just reps.
And back in my day it was go sit in Madison Square Garden and talk into a tape recorder. Now you don’t even need to do that. Everybody’s got access to the internet and can get their voice out there, can get their work sampled, post on your podcast, post on your website, show the world what you’re doing, experiment. I mean, what a great time we live in that. Not only can everybody see what you’re doing with no barrier of entry, but there’s no more predefined job titles like we came in, you had to be this or this or that. And if you could do multiple things, that was great, but there was no, well, I’m going to create my own job title and I’m just going to show you all that this can work too. And now you have that. So it’s a fantastic time for the Dreamers and you have innovative technology so that if you could think it up, you could do it.
Ryan Knuppel:
I love that. I love your energy, Matt. I really, really, really do. I want to dive into Better Sports Network and talk a little bit more. I know you gave some bullet points of what problem you have solved, what problems you have solved with Better Sports Network. But let’s dive in, talk a little bit more in detail about what it is, what shows you guys are hosting. Why don’t you give us a little bit more guts about Better Sports Network?
Matt Deutsch:
Well, so much has changed. We started out with 17 hours of live content a day on the app. And I was thinking Benny, very linearly as I always have in my career. But now with the appetite for on Demand now with the appetite for content across different platforms, we’ve really pivoted and we’re not only producing 17 hours of live content a day. We’re live on the app sometimes. We’re live on social media, we are producing short form content. We’re doing gamification during live sporting events asking question and answer predictive questions. It’s really changed a lot. But basically in the end, we have stayed true to our idea. Building a community around fantasy sports betting and collectibles, interactive talk, interactive content, fun, inclusive for everybody. Not all stats, not all about trends in making money, just substitute fun for money. Anytime you want to say we’re going to help you win money, just say, we’re going to help you have more fun, fun works.
We need more people into the sports space. So our idea was to talk to people that aren’t betting a thousand dollars every week. They talk to people that aren’t paying $500 for their fantasy football league or running 12 fantasy football leagues. People that just have a casual interest but feel like there’s nowhere for them to kind of ask the questions of what is this three letter acronym mean? What is a point spread? So we’re not doing enough teaching in the industry and I know we’re just getting started. So we thought there was an opportunity for us to create a community built around fun and inclusion and certainly interaction in the radio side. We haven’t done enough with live chat. Hopefully our broadcasting brothers and sisters will do more with that now that we’re on digital and radio. There’s more of that. But the streamers have it right, and it started in eSports and now on Twitch and everywhere else, YouTube, there’s chat and Chat is fantastic and our shows all offer chat and our hosts, everyone does it differently.
Some read every single comment, which is unnatural for me as a radio guy, we would never take every single caller with screening the calls, but there are some hosts that read every single chat comment and they know that people that come in there, they’re not going to leave if they don’t get their comment read. So I’m learning a lot about that. We certainly offer chat. We have call in technology right now to be able to have video calls and have people ask questions about the sports they love, the games they love. And most of our content is now shifted away from the app now towards YouTube. We’re now in the playground with a billion people, but that’s where everybody is consuming content. We’re learning a lot about search engine optimization. We’re learning a lot about how to get our content in front of people, talk about what we’ve learned here.
I’ve produced content my whole life, but I’ve always been on a big platform and now I have to go find people. I have to go get my content in front of people every single day on multiple platforms. And it’s not enough to just have good content. You have to be in front of people and no one’s going to see what you’re doing. So we put a lot of time into the science of SS e o, try to have our live content on YouTube. That’s the Better Sports Network YouTube channel. We’re all over Twitter with short form content. We’re all over TikTok and Instagram. We try to be able to position ourselves in different ways, very similarly, but speaking of different voice on the various social platforms, and we’ve gone from producing three or four hour radio shows to putting the same exact time into preparation into a 45 second short.
We’re doing strategy meetings about a 45 second clip and how do we grant people? And every single word is strategically thought out and every graphic is strategically placed and it is wild to be able to go through it and see how consumption habits are changing and to try to meet the needs for the younger generation, which we have to do. And that was a big part of what Better Sports Network was. I just wanted to give myself a chance to get ahead of the curve, stay ahead of the innovation, find younger people. I mean, let’s face it, I don’t think 25 and Under is listening to radio anymore. We really blew it as an industry, and I don’t say we haven’t done enough to change radio and get young people on it. So we got to fight that fight and get people back into Theater of the Mind and audio.
But being on YouTube and producing video has been a huge experience for us as well. We’re very big on video graphics now. We’re inserting graphics just like you have here. We’ve got a ticker, we’ve got lower thirds. I’m basically producing TV now. So we’re learning a lot about it. It’s no longer about control boards, it’s much more about everybody’s work from home setup, their internet, their HD camera, their background, trying to make it all work in a remote environment to produce content. So I mean, that’s where you find us on YouTube, better Sports Network at Better Network on social media, and we have a lot more outlets since we’ve grown. We’ve acquired Fantasy Alarm in the spring of 2023. We’re able to make a strategic partnership there. Our co-founder is a former principal at Fantasy Alarm and saw a great opportunity to work with that legendary brand to really speed up our timeline.
So now that we work with Fantasy Alarm, you can find our content on the Fantasy Alarm YouTube channel. What comes with that is a great team of analysts and behind the scenes staff that are now on the Better Sports Network team and we produce fantasy alarm content. We’re at fantasy It’s obviously NFL season. This is a group that does the best draft guide in the business. We’ve got our cheat sheet available for free. Everything’s slash nfl. You want to support me? Great way to do it. Take out an all pro subscription. You won’t be sorry. We cover all the sports. No matter how you’re engaging in sports, you’re going to like this content. We produce shows on Better Sports Network. We’ve also inherited the SiriusXM Afternoon Drive radio show on my former channel. So now I’m on the other side of it working with my former colleagues. Talk about never leaving on a bad note, right? This is how it happens. Got to always leave on good terms. I’m all of a sudden working with my former staff on the five to 7:00 PM Eastern DriveTime Show with Howard Bender and Jim Bowden on SiriusXM Fantasy Sports Radio. We’ve got Discord on fantasy alarms. So that’s really where you find our content.
Ryan Knuppel:
I mean, how do you keep up, Matt? I mean you went from, let’s talk a bit about that. I mean, being an entrepreneur and owning your own business and doing your own thing, it’s not simple. There are like a thousand pieces and you just mentioned a thousand things that you have to do and you are a part of. You seem like the kind of guy that thrives on that though. Talk about your entrepreneurial experience now that you went from ground up with a company. What, you’re a year old now, right? You’re a year in. Tell us about the experience for you personally. How do you keep up? Do you get any sleep and how are you enjoying that journey?
Matt Deutsch:
Well, nobody’s sleeping in our industry this time of year. It has been a wild ride. I’m an a d D person. I’m always been a multitasker. I’m never 100% with anybody mentally for the last year, I always know three or four things that I am juggling behind the scenes. I always know who’s on the air. I always know what’s coming up. I always know what problems we have to solve, whether they be today, tomorrow, or next week. There’s a lot to it. I mean, certainly delegating to people you trust and recruiting people and letting them do their jobs is hard for me, but so important now that we really have multiple pillars of our business. And I’ll get into Better Sports Productions and the Better Cast app as well. We really need project managers to run those sides of the business. And frankly, they don’t want me in their sides of the business.
They’ve literally told they’ve taken away my rights. They don’t want me involved. So I’m kind of strategic and focus on content and work on the business to business opportunities and the sales and have surrounded myself with really smart people that can do their thing, whether certainly on the fantasy and the Better Cast app and what we do for Better Sports Network. I mean, when you’re producing live content, you have to be on it. You have to be on the news. There’s always somebody, something going on with someone’s internet or a news story breaking or someone’s getting asked to do this and you got to move things around. So live content is not easy, and I think that’s a big reason why we see less and less live content being produced. Not only are we in an on-demand society, but live radio, live streaming is hard and it requires a lot more bandwidth and investment to be able to go down that road. And that’s why we wanted to be live because we saw a lack of live content out there, a lack of community and interaction in the real moment. So it’s literally raising a fourth child for me, probably spend more time with this child than I have with my first three because I don’t have the security and the comfort of corporate radio behind me anymore. It’s really just me and a small team and we’re fighting every day.
Ryan Knuppel:
That’s amazing. And you’re right. I mean, going live and doing all this content, it’s tough these days. It’s not easy. And I want to shift gears. I’m leading into something. I think that’s probably, we’ve had this discussion in the past a few times in passing about, oh, we’re doing some B two C stuff and some B two B stuff and we’re kind of all over the place, myself included. I’m doing some of that. You’re doing some of that. But this stuff you’re doing here with the Better Sports Network is not easy. And there’s businesses and companies and people all over the world that want to do it. They just don’t know how to do it or how to be a part of it. So tell us a little bit of how you are tackling that problem and helping to solve it for the industry.
Matt Deutsch:
Well, there’s so much of it. Number one is the talent, right? There’s great talent out there that just wants a microphone, just wants to be heard, and people are professionals. They need to be paid. You got to figure out the right way to recruit people and bring them in. And the best people want feedback. They don’t want to just do shows. So it’s not enough for me to just sign up the greatest influencers and roll my 17 hours out. They need to know that I’m watching their shows. So what’s the worst thing? Is the host calling you the next day? What’d you think of my show? And you’re going to tell this person you didn’t see it. They’re pouring their life out there. So there’s a lot of that feedback. Treating people right, really is hard. Producers need tender loving care. There’s so much attention, attention to detail that goes into this from how we’re posting on social media to monitoring chat, to making sure the graphics are correct to the audio levels on music that we’re playing.
So you really need somebody that eats, sleeps and breeds it. You really want someone that treats it like a drug. And fortunately in radio and broadcasting, we have these people out there. It’s part of their D n A. They just live it. They love it. The hard part is compensating people, right? I mean, we’re independent contractors, part-time hours. You want people to pour their life into their shows and you need to find a way to reward them, but you also have to keep an eye on the bottom line, right? I learned really quickly with my bragging last year by saying, we’re going to do this and we’re going to do this with production and creativity, but now you have to put a dollar amount on that creativity. I know the people that can come up with the amazing song parody, but they got to write it and they got to perform it, and they’re professionals.
So you got to pay for it. So a little bit harder to just dream it up. You got to have a business case around everything. You do live news. You really have to have your finger on the pulse. I mean, information is out there, and you need to have professionals in there and experience because things can go wrong. People can say stupid things, crazy news can break. That’s outside of our sports format. We don’t know how to deal with it. Whether it be a natural disaster or some civil case or something that’s got the Nation on fire. How do you handle something like that? Are you ignoring it? Probably not the right answer. Are you allowing your host to say whatever they want to say? Probably not the right answer. You have to find a way to be authentic and true in everything you do. So being live creates all of that and creating a podcast and just posting it that night is a lot easier.
Ryan Knuppel:
For sure, for sure. Thanks for that insight there. Matt, you talked about, I mean, you mentioned briefly Better Sports Productions. I want to dive into that a little bit and see what you have to say. What is Better Sports Productions? Give the audience a little bit about that. I think that’s a newer area that you’re diving into, but I want to hear from you on what you’re up
Matt Deutsch:
To. Well, thanks for asking. As we build our live network and build our live community and work in a very crowded space, we needed other ways to bring in and generate revenue, to bring in income and try to leverage our expertise and our relationships to say, why don’t we use the fact that it is a crowded space to our advantage? Why don’t we use the fact that everybody’s in the content game to our advantage and offer our skills to the industry? From everyone, from startup to fanatics, they are all in the space. Not everybody understands it. Everybody’s probably paying too much for it. So why don’t you allow better sports productions to come in here, produce your show for you, in your voice, in your brand, your podcast, your song parody, your live event, your commercial. Let us admin, your social media network and lead your strategy.
Let us take what we’ve learned from SS e o and help you get in front of the people who need to see your message. So that’s been part of my whole career of working with clients and working with sales. It’s very important that you do it in their voice, their color scheme, their logo, their influencers, their voice, and listen, you make a mistake for your company, you’re not liking it. You make a mistake for another person’s company behind the scenes. That’s a whole different ball game. So I mean, it takes a great responsibility. It takes a great trust. Fortunately, we’re now up to 10 clients that are engaging with us at Better Sports Productions in a number of ways. Many of them behind the scenes, and this is working for us. We have found something that kind of makes sense. Everybody needs production services and there’s a deal to be had small or large with everybody or working relationships.
So that’s been fantastic. We’ve got live shows. We’ve got podcasts. We’re writing, using our website, using the Alarm Sports Network to really create a true 360 opportunity for our clients. We have Better Sports Network. We have fantasy, the SiriusXM radio show, fantasy, and sports betting We have all these different ways. Discord, the Better Cast app. We have a deal with Yahoo deal with New York Post. So now we can lay out all these different ways to be able to move the needle and create content in authentic voice for our clients from a 32nd spot to a four hour live event and everything in between. So it’s been fun. It’s been a challenge. We’re just getting going now. You can find me on LinkedIn at Matt Deutsch. It’s the best way to get me better If you look all the way at the bottom, you’ll see better Sports productions. You can make an appointment with me. I’d love to talk to anybody out there about what they need in this space and see if we can explore options to help each other.
Ryan Knuppel:
Amazing. Well, congrats on all the success there with that. And man, trust me being in the agency world and then the B two B side of things, I understand the challenges and the rewards that come along with that type of a business division that you’re adding, and I wish you nothing but the best there. I think you guys certainly have the team and the experience and the knowledge to help a lot of companies. So I love it. I urge all the listeners, reach out to Matt, talk to Matt, see what he can help you with. One of the great guys in the industry and just a great guy to talk to as well. Matt, I really, really do enjoy hanging out with you a little bit and chatting.
Matt Deutsch:
We could do this all day. Let me go into the app real quick. The Better Cast app, we just dropped it. It’s free. We changed it to full-time gamification. So basically the plan is every night we’ll have a live contest where we ask you predictive questions about the sporting event. We’re all watching for the first time in my life, I’m admitting you’re watching something else. So we’re a companion app and we ask you questions every couple of minutes about what’s going to happen. We’re all chatting with the same sports fans around the country watching the game. We play for prizes. We keep score. We have standings. We can do a lot with this. We could do game shows. I can do watch parties with celebrities. Basically anything that has a yes or no answer, I can gamify and any sort of experience. We did the masters, we’ve done the Academy Awards, we’ve done pub trivia, so please download the Free Better Cast app. We’re launching week one of the N F L season. I think you’re going to find it very unique gamification way for us to have free to play win some prizes, and I appreciate all the support in our community.
Ryan Knuppel:
No, that’s really cool. We’ll put the link to that app and I’m sure, is it in the app stores, as you said?
Matt Deutsch:
I’m assuming That’s right. Apple app, Google Play Stores, see Better Cast and we’ll light it up for week one, Sunday at one Eastern.
Ryan Knuppel:
Oh my gosh. Let’s talk about that, man. We got week one coming up. How excited are you? I’m sure from the content side, I mean, it just spikes now, right? I mean, there’s so much to talk about. College football, N F L leading into N B A college basketball, all the above. So it’s like our Super Bowl. How excited are you for this time of year?
Matt Deutsch:
It’s fantastic to be able to have all these sports around. Here comes the N B A with a global platform and a lot of different ways to engage in college football and N F L. It really is a fantastic time to be able to leverage all of the interest in sports at this particular time of year. We’ve got sports fans with high passion that are just looking to engage and have fun and learn, and there’s a lot of smart companies that’ll help them do that. So things do change once the season starts. We get out of fantasy football draft mode. We get out of N F L betting futures mode. We’ve found, and I’ve found that September is always been the biggest month for business, and that goes all the way through SiriusXM on the Fantasy Sports Radio channel. September has been huge. People are playing actively daily fantasy contest.

They obviously have a little betting evidence in front of them of what these teams are, and we’ll keep the pedal of a medal in September and then here comes N B A and try to figure out, as we always do, what are we going to do January through June? That’s always been the question for our sports media colleagues is how do we keep this attention going through the spring? And fortunately, sports betting really does allow us to do that. Every day is a different day, a new slate, different sports to engage with, different sports to have fun with. So we’ve already hatching our 2024 plans, but let’s bring on the N F L. I’m playing in 18 fantasy football leagues as an entrepreneur. I can’t put enough time into them. So let’s just see how it shakes out.
Ryan Knuppel:
That’s amazing. Matt, really a pleasure to have you here. Any final words, anything we missed? I know we talked about a ton on here, but anything that you wanted to say before we get off here?
Matt Deutsch:
I just want to be able to help people out there. It’s a tough time for me to take calls, but LinkedIn’s a great way to hit me up, connect and I’ll chat with you. I love to be able to help people. Building this business has taught me that just offering to help people brings back more help to myself than I could have ever imagined. It was the first thing that I learned, and so many people taught me that by saying, just help people and they’re going to help you back. So that’s been fantastic. If I don’t get back to you, I’m not ignoring you. Stay on me. I’d love to be able to help. I love working with younger people. You don’t have to be young to work with me, mentor people, show ’em what to do, help them give advice. So please reach out to me and let me help you on your journey.
Ryan Knuppel:
All right, Matt, really appreciate it. One last time. Where can they get ahold of you? LinkedIn, better What else?
Matt Deutsch:
Check us out on YouTube, the Better Sports Network and Fantasy Alarm YouTube pages. We’re producing content every day. We’ve got short form, we’ve got live shows, we’ve got drafts, all you Fantasy Football drafters out there. We’ve got the best draft guide in the industry right now. Free seven day trial fantasy guide. We’ll hook you up. There’s plenty of NFL betting in there as well. Support me, please download the Better Cast app. It’s free, and I’d love it if you took out a subscription to Fantasy Alarm.
Ryan Knuppel:
It’s that time of year. I don’t have 16 drafts. I got two or three coming up, but I’m excited for them. So Matt, I’ll let you go. I know you’re a busy man. Really appreciate your time. I hope to do this again on your year two and hear all the updates again. So thank you for your time, my friend.
Matt Deutsch:
I appreciate this. I know the smart people that listened to this show, and I’m honored to be a part of episode number 205. Thanks for everything you are doing for the industry, Ryan. Everything that you have shared, all the information that you’ve given out to people, and you’re a great guy. I appreciate it.
Ryan Knuppel:
Absolutely. Have a good one, Matt. We’ll talk to you soon.
Matt Deutsch:
Take care.
Ryan Knuppel:
Alright, that was Matt Deut, better Sports Network. Really, really honored to have him on the show. I know we’ve been trying to make that happen for quite some time. So what better time than right before football when he’s the busiest he could possibly be. So I want to really thank Matt for coming on, being a part of this show. Man, lots of great nuggets in that. I mean, from a business side, lots of great advice that he probably didn’t even mean to give, but did give just through some of the things that he said. So if you’re an up and coming entrepreneur or a leader or just anybody listening to this show, I really urge you to go back, listen a couple times. You’ll get some nuggets out of this show for sure. We’ll have this whole thing transcribed and up in the show notes, we’ll have links. We’ll have it all put on YouTube and everything. So you’ll be able to find this anywhere and everywhere. Please make sure you subscribe to our podcast as well, the Nuke Sports Show. You’ll find it on Spotify, apple, all the other channels out there, so you don’t miss any interviews like this that we had with Matt. Alright, enjoy your football time. Get prepared for those fantasy drafts. Until next time, I’m Ryan Knupple. Checking out 2 0 5 is in the books. We’ll talk to you guys all soon. Have a great one. Bye-bye.
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