Hey, what’s going on everybody? Ryan Knuppel here, Knup Sports Show Episode 194. We’re creeping up to 200, I’m excited for that. Thank you so much for tuning in, supporting this show, being here as we do what we do. We talk to people in sports, we talk to leaders, we talk to people doing great things in the world of sports, sports betting, iGaming, and everywhere. Today, I have another amazing guest. Super excited for this one because I actually use the product that he’s going to talk about today quite a bit, so I’m excited to have our guest on today. Gino Donati, Gino how are you, my friend? Thank you for joining me.
My brother, nothing makes me happier than users, so already, this is gonna be an easy interview. I’m gonna tell you everything you wanna hear and more.
That’s amazing. Well, thank you for the time, I appreciate it. First off, how you doin, how you hangin in there today? Everything going well for you?
Yeah, man. We’ll transition straight in. This has been a damn good month. I started off February with a cease and desist from Colorado, which you never like to get as a business owner, but huge shout out to the Department of Justice over there. I showed up to the trial, the meeting, whatever you want to call it by myself. My lawyer said “Do you want us to go?” and I said “No, no need. Let me just talk to these guys”, and by the end of the meeting and a few emails back and forth, they’re gonna license us in the state of Colorado, so we turned a cease and desist into a license for up to 7500 users, and I’m not talking trash, I’m saying this humbly, when they said “We only can give you 7500 users”, I laughed because I only have 15,000 in the world, so if I got 7500 in Colorado, you’d probably see a gold [inaudible] on me next time we’re in this call.
That’s awesome, I’m excited. Actually, you’re ahead of me a bit. I’m excited to dive in a little bit more. I have some questions around some of that. But first, Gino, tell me about yourself, tell me about you, I think I looked at your path a little bit, and it wasn’t always sports and sports betting, you know. What got you to where you are today with BetOpenly? Tell us a bit about yourself.
Yeah, yeah, so I appreciate you doing the research. It actually always was always sports betting, I just don’t put on my LinkedIn that I was a bookie. I started betting on the 9ers, talk about a degen family, it’s kind of embarrassing, but now, I think I’m gonna do the same with my family. My grandpa did well for himself, you know, little corner stores and restaurants, then commercial real estate, nothing crazy, not a one-percenter, but middle, upper-middle. And for Christmas and birthdays, instead of giving me a $100 bill, he used to make me pick a winner, and if I picked a winner, I’d get $100 bucks, and if I picked the loser I got $0. And the craziest thing is growing up, I’m born in ’84, I would bet on my 9ers. And mind you, he didn’t make me do spreads or nothing, he would just say “Pick a team to win”, so I would just pick the 9ers, and I was like “Dude, gambling is so effing easy, all you gotta do is bet the 9ers in the ’80s and you’re ballin”. So, I got hooked pretty, pretty damn early.
And that’s gonna, you said that’s gonna be a trend you carry on, I love that, I’m gonna use that with my kids, no freebies here, you gotta pick a winner. [Laughs].
So that’s where I got started, then in high school I became a bookie, I carried over to college, carried actually after college when I got into tech sales, that’s probably where you started to see my resume, I sold womens shoes in college, and then I sold gym memberships at 24 Hour Fitness, then went in and got into tech sales after that.
That’s amazing. That’s awesome, and now we have BetOpenly. We have BetOpenly on the market, if you have not heard of BetOpenly.com, you are missing out, this is amazing, and I want to understand more behind it, so tell us first, just the high level pitch of what BetOpenly is. For people that haven’t heard of it, tell us what it is and what it’s all about.
Yeah, yeah, BetOpenly is peer-to-peer 1% juice, so peer-to-peer, a lot of people say “What the f*** is peer-to-peer”, so peer-to-peer, person-to-person, it just means I’m not a house, I’m actually not licensed to be a house, one of the biggest stringent things our lawyers push on us, “Gino, do not house bets”. So, step one: Person A comes in, creates a bet, Person B, or B, C, D, E, F, G, can take it because you can take as little as $10 of any bet. Um, so we’re a marketplace. Uh, the easiest way I can describe it is Uber owns no cabs, AirBnB owns no hotels, I own no bankroll. I don’t have, I got my own money from other stuff, but I don’t have the money to back up all these bets.
Sure. And so, the benefit, tell us the benefit for the player. The benefit for the player is 1% juice, I mean, you can’t get much better than that as you show right here on your site, users saving money, educate people in that and what that true savings is. I’m very educated in this space so I know what that is, but why is 1% juice a good thing?
Yeah, I’ll talk about it. I’ll talk simple and I’ll get really complex. So, at the highest level, the usual rake, the usual vig, the usual fee, is 10%. So, although 1% just sounds like 9% less, it’s actually 90% less. So, 90% less, um, if you look at the majority of bettors, they actually pick games…Oh, is my computer cutting? Okay, I just gotta plug in here, my battery’s getting low and it’s starting to…
Oh okay. I still hear you, you may be paused but I hear you.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, I’m sure what that does, is it turns about 70 to 80% of people that were losers and reduces their losses and it makes it so people in the high 40 range versus 5% range, just so you know, we have public gambling companies now, and the public gambling companies show that only 5% of wallets were profitable. So, think of it, I’m a percentage guy, it’s 8x the number of profitable people, um, I hate to be a dork about social media, one of the best tweets I ever sent out was I literally said, and I meant it, was “You’re not a mush, you’re just paying too much in fees”. It’s impossible to win, and going a step deeper, 10% juice is actually the baseline. Live bets, variants between moneyline, that gets as high as 20, 25, 30. Prop bets? You’ll se -140 on one side and -120 on the other. You’ll see just sickening rakes.
Yeah, yeah. That is, uh, and if you’ve been in sports betting at all, you know that that juice just adds up, and having the 1% only, man, it’s such a great feeling as a sports bettor. You know, one thing, I guess, I don’t know if I’d call it negative, but I’d like to get your input on this, the one thing I’ve ran into when I’m betting, right, is that sometimes I’ll put out a bet and I can’t get somebody to take my bet, I can’t get somebody to take the other side. What kind of, how has that been received by your audience, and I’m assuming that problem kind of goes away the larger you get and the more users you get as well. Is that correct?
Yeah, yeah, so what I would say too, and I wish I could educate more people on this, it’s just a boring TikTok video that no one would watch, it’s a post that wouldn’t get, the biggest mistake people make is they post a line at BetOpenly odds without looking at the marketplace first, so if you, the majority of bets that don’t fill are actually stacked on top of each other. It’s 7 different people came out, and they all, you know, one famous capper, someone they trust, someone good at betting, came out and said “I really like…”, it hurt my heart yesterday San Diego State lost to Boise State. When cappers, now that we have social media, things go viral. What I, and I mean this humbly, when I give out my pick of the day, yesterday was Washington. My pick of the day won, but I went 1 for 2. I said Washington Wizards was my pick of the day, +7. I think they won the game outright. There were 20 different bets on BetOpenly not filled. You can get mad at me, but guys, if you’re taking my place to my marketplace and you’re all just betting it, the guys on there also listen to me. Not that everyone follows me blindly, there’s plenty of guys that liked Atlanta and said “No, I won’t touch that”, but a lot of them won’t go against you. We’re in a very viral time, so what I would say is, one, the biggest mistake people make is we take away all variants. They don’t play with the numbers. You could’ve done Washington +7 at -101, -102, and I’ll actually put it on top of the stack, I’ll loop the resume to the top. So there are guys on our site that have over a 97% fill rate. They have learned how to game the marketplace. There are other people, and again, I try to interact, we’ve gotten a little bigger now, we have over 15,000 users. Before, we grew 13x last year, so a year ago, I only had 1,000, I’ll call it, 2,000. I would interact with people a lot more, I knew them a lot more. Guys would complain, I would pull up their bet sheet, I’d be like “Bro, you’ve literally bet every pick I’ve given out for the last…You have no original thoughts, you’re betting popular bets”, and I’m not even 100% right, maybe I’m 55%, but, like, if you’re just gonna piggy-back on the most popular bets, they’re not gonna fill, I’m being honest with you. So, I’m not attacking you, what I would say is, one, there’s 10% room where you’re still getting betting lines and odds, I highly advise you to tweak the lines. Again, this could bite you in the but, but you could give them a half a point, or take a half a point, that would also move you up to the top of the stack. So, there’s ways to screw around with it…Oh, I’m sorry…
I was gonna say, that’s amazing. It bugged me at first, and then I just started, you know, I’ve been in sports betting so long as well, I just decided that if the gods don’t want this bet to be placed, it just wasn’t meant to be. For every bet that I thought was a no-brain winner, it lost and I didn’t get it placed, so it all comes around, and I’m like, “You know what? It just wasn’t meant to be”. It’s fine. It’s all good.
No, I appreciate that attitude. The truth is, some bets will not fill. That will always be the shortest side of BetOpenly. Being a bit of a salesperson, this new house option in Colorado, where I’m gonna let people check, so technically, it’s only player prop there under the fantasy umbrella, but there’s gonna be people that wanna bet fantasy prop parlays and they can go peer-to-peer, or they can have it autofill. So I do think naturally the product will start moving where I want people to try and save money, and if you really like a bet, what I’ll probably do is get someone to back it in states that I’m sure I’ll find banks to back it, and hey, if you wanna break the bank, go ahead.
So, one question I’ve always had, and I’d love to get your input on this because I know you know the answer, but how in the world, explain to everyone how this is legal in Florida where I live and FanDuel isn’t, or some, betting against the house operator isn’t. How is BetOpenly able to be, because you’re operating in 46 of the 50 states or something like that, maybe more, I don’t know.
Yeah, 45.
45 or so of the states, so how is that happening, explain from a very high level, legalistic side how that’s peer-to-peer thumbs up.
Yeah, it’s super interesting, right? Because people make comments, and I really try to hang on the work, right? Because when I say something, someone can screenshot it and use it against me for ever, so what I would say is people will say “How are you licensed in 45 states?”, and the answer is I’m not. I’m not a licensed house, but neither are a lot of other sites that you’re talking about, so you need a license to be a house, there’s a finite amount of them, you need backing, a lot of it’s political. We’re not licensed. That is a very different thing. What that comes with is I am not allowed to house bets. Right? Not a house, I can’t house bets, so we are a peer-to-peer marketplace. The, I’m trying to think, the elevator pitch. Let me explain like this: Uber does not have medallions in New York City, but you need a medallion to operate a taxi.
Hmm…yeah, that makes sense.
That is probably the most high level bet a DOJ is like, “See what you did there, I don’t know if I like it, but it works for now”.
Right, right.
A lot of people wanna know this, and I’m not a f***ing lawyer. My parents wanted me to be one growing up, and then I found out you had to read a lot and that just didn’t happen. So, uh, what I’ve learned by meeting really cool, and again I wanna shout out Colorado. This is not me brown-nosing, legit the coolest Department of Justice I’ve ever worked with and I’ve probably talked to f***ing half of them. And they were just school. They just explained things in layman’s terms and legal terms for me. And they also wrote me emails to explain what I can do and what I can’t do, which is really nice. It felt like, hey this is a public servant interaction. Other people feel like they’re in bed with the lobbyists and just not…Some states, complete nightmares, threatening you, they’re like “We’re in bed with the houses” not cool, so what they said to me was “It’s a grey area, there was a federal mandate, the PASPA act made gambling illegal unless a state made it legal”. So some states had laws and some didn’t. A lot of states didn’t have laws. When they made PASPA not, they made it unconstitutional. They removed it. Now, every state has no laws, so the best way I can describe it is in the next 5 years, each state is gonna interpret what they want for gambling, and they’re gonna say, so the biggest one is FanDuel and DraftKings, paved the way for no house advantage, prize picks, underdog. They ruled that fantasy sports is a game of skill. Now, I’m giving you all the little tidbits.
No, I love it. I love it.
One, game of skill. Game of skill unlocks a bunch of states. Secondly, social betting. So in Colorado, says if you’re social betting, you don’t need a license. Boom. Social betting. What does social betting mean? You gotta ask them for a hundred page description. What I’m telling you is each state talks about very different degrees of skill, social betting, peer-to-peer, not a house, all these checked little boxes, and it’s your job to apply for a license there, and some of them say “Hey, that works”, some of them come back at you later and say “You need to change that”, so it’ll be, my brother owns a pot company in California. It’s like what pot to California was about a decade ago, it was so f***ing weird man, the feds would come in and seize our stuff, and then the state would apologize and it was, like “What’s going on? The feds took our stuff in our state but our state says apologies”. I don’t think they’re gonna get that level, you don’t seize bets, but I think it’ll be a lot of cease and desist, a lot of emails, and a lot of meetings, unfortunately.
Well, I commend you for paving the way here in this space. I think it’s awesome, and really, thank you for that answer by the way. I think that was a great answer and I think it’ll help a lot of people who have asked me that question and I never have the answer. I’m like “You know what? I just need to have somebody on that does know the answer to that”. I’m not complaining because I’m able to use BetOpenly in Florida and it’s amazing. So, thank you for all that. But let’s switch gears real quick, I wanna shift because I don’t wanna keep you all day, I know you’re a busy guy, got a lot to do, but I wanna shift gears. What does the future look like for you and for BetOpenly? And I’ll start that by saying I know you just released some NFTs, I know you’re into that space a little bit, I actually bought 3 of them or something, I don’t know. Yeah, but I know that’s part of your future. Tell me about the future and what this looks like.
Yeah, so, you know, it hurt my heart, I’m not gonna lie to you, when I released NFTs. Everyone that’s diehard in that space understands them, and I had hundreds of people asking me to build this. I delayed that two years, and it’s like, you’re damned if you do and you’re damned if you don’t. So, the guys that asked for it thanked me, and then people that don’t understand it attacked me on social, and the worst part is that I denied funding to keep my fees low to keep betting more profitable for more people, so again, I’m not gonna make this sob case, but it was like, when people said “You’re a scam”, I’m like “Brother, we had $50 million in bets last year. Do you really think I’m raising 30 f***ing thousand dollers in NFTs to run off in a sunset? We make more than that in a month”. So what I will say, and I’ll try to keep it simple, our NFTs are gonna reduce people’s juice even more. You will actually get credited on the last day of the month, 10% back. So let’s just say you only bet parlays and you own 3 Polly Parlays, 30% back of what I make of you will be handed back to you. So, yeah, real scam artist I am. So, we are gonna share 50% of all revenue generated by them, so when someone bets an NFT on one side and dollars on the other, there’s 1% on the side. I’m sharing that 1%, half of it, with the dow. Dow is just a fancy term for a decentralized group of individuals that are running [inaudible]. Last but not least, which I think is the coolest part, I’m not allowed to give away promos and bets and money. It’s a security. But, these f***ing lawyers, man, I’m allowed to do rev-generating, not rev-sharing, so we’re gonna take a percentage, half of what, so when someone buys and sells an NFT, 10% is called the royalty. It’s a fee that the house takes. I ddi 10% because that’s what houses charge. That 10%, half of it’s gonna be shared with the Dow We’re gonna accrue this little pot of gold every month, and let’s just say the month ends and there’s $5000 in it, everyone that owns one gets an equal vote, so if you own three you get three votes, and people get a vote on how they want these free bets distributed. So anyone that buys these gets lets juice and free bets. So, when people call me a scam artist, that doesn’t f***ing matter. We have 15000 users now and I know who believes in me and I’ve been around long enough, but it’s just sad because I do think good people that would benefit from these are scared and just so you know, I waited a year to release these when it was a really high marketing, because I knew that market was collapsing and I didn’t want to sell them for $100 and it collapse to $20. I wanted to release in a bare market because I genuinely believe they will only go up from our release point, and I wanna be able to 1) talk s**t to people, I love talking s**t, I wanna be able to say “Hey, I sold these for $75, they’re worth $500 now, so kiss my a**, and this is how much money people have made off them in juice and won free bets, so kiss my a** twice more. Now, jumping forward, just so you know why I have these, 1) it’s to share to our loyal customers lifetime value, I want people to really only use BetOpenly and we’re adding houses all of this stuff, it’ll all help out. 2) there is a plethora of degens that live in the NFT/crypto space. I have built up a Discord partnership integrations, I will be partnering with Discords, and they will be seeing BetOpenly bets and betting their NFTs on our profile. More money, more liquidity, more people, more everything. And, people that are up money on BetOpenly, they can bet and win an NFT, they can literally, someone puts up an NFT, they can take it with USD on the other side and you can “Hey, I’m up $1000 today, I’m feeling a little loose,” same way in Vegas when you go into a Gucci store, “I’m gonna try and win this f***ing NFT”. It looks [inaudible[ and this guy’s only putting it up for $150, let’s do it, so, um, that’s step two, and the real reason is we want to have a marketplace. BetOpenly is actually not just sports betting. That’s why sports is not in the title. We ran a promo this weekend, a friend of mine from high school, her name’s Natalie Nun, she is the Executive Producer of Bad Girls Club, she was one of the fights before Mayweather and she is a reality TV star, so we put her fight on there. BetOpenly’s actually gonna be Bet Openly. You can bet whatever the f*** you want.
I love it. I love it. Man, you gave me a lot there. You gave me a lot, crazy. And if anybody’s calling you a scammer, listen, all you gotta do is go out and look at Gino on social media, look at what he’s doing to educate the betting community, look at what he’s doing to help the betting community save money, I mean, that’d be crazy if anybody did their research on you. I don’t know you well, but I follow what you do, but scammer would be the last thing that I would think they would call you.
I appreciate that. And you know what the worst part is? The faceless, nameless, the users on TikTok, userXYZ, they’ll make up fake claims, “Hey, I’ve never been paid on BetOpenly”. We are a publicly registered business. If you didn’t get paid by me, you can report me to the Better Business Bureau. So, you know what’s sad? I don’t know who are these people and why they’re so miserable, but like, there are people that will say “I never got my money”. Literally, report me to the Better Business Bureau. There are people saying “I got scammed”. We use PayPal, Coinbase, and ACH Plaid. If you report me to any of those 3, I will be able to show the data that you made a good bet, you got paid, and it’s just sad because influence. People have a lot of influence now, there’s a lot of negative influence out there, and I hate to use terms like “fake news” because it’s kinda political, but people can make up a story and if they say it enough, it’s believed. And mind you, it’s only a couple of people, so it’s not like I’m losing sleep over it, but there are people that have said “Hey man, I really like your concept, but someone said they didn’t get paid”. And I said, “Hey, can you name them? Why don’t you tag me in their next video”, or “Hey, my LinkedIn is on my profile. My other businesses are tied to it”, and it’s just a sad world because people want to believe, it’s a compliment I guess, that it’s too good to be true, but we run on fumes. Like, I only make 1%. These parlay companies, they have a hold as high as 26%. 26% of every dollar bet leaves the generate community. With us, 99% of money stays in the generate community, so I think it’s one of those things that if you’re getting attacked and you’re hated, it’s a good thing.
I think so. Any press is good press, any pub is good pub, I mean that’s kind of it as well. Actually, that’s one of the biggest benefits that I’ve loved about BetOpenly, is I’m able to get my money in and out through crypto like that, like it’s so easy and it’s so quick, and um…
We do PayPal withdrawals in under 24 hours, anyone saying they didn’t get paid is full of s***.
Yeah, crazy, crazy. Well, Gino, hey, um, last words. I wanna ask you, you know, most people watching this show are probably business leaders, other people in this space that are trying to do cool things, innovating things in the sports betting community. What, I don’t know, if you have any ask or any needs, what are you struggling with that maybe somebody listening to this could potentially help now or into the future, what ask do you have of the community? Anything of that nature at all.
Yeah, one, probably opposite most people. I was told not to get into this space because it’s crowded, I did it anyway, I would highly advise anyone who’s passionate about this space to get in it. I always joke around, I say, “Hey, imagine if you don’t open a liquor store in New York because there’s a liquor store in New York. I think there’s about 10000 liquor stores in New York,”. So, one, I would say, if you’re passionate about this space, get in it, because the more people that are in it, the more legit people, I should say, are in it, the better it would get. Secondly, it’s an ever-changing space, so the best analogy I can come up with is pot in California, 10 years ago. You’re gonna get a bit of grey hairs, but do what others won’t, live how others can’t kind of thing, go through the motions, it’ll be great to be one of the ones grandfathered in when they do draw these lines in different states and stuff, um, and thirdly, reach out to me. Ask me for anything, or propose me anything. I probably don’t want to disappoint anyone, you know, you always wanna keep your doors open, I did say no to $2 million in cash out of $10 mil evaluation a year ago when we grew 13x. Since then, it doesn’t mean we’re worth $100 million. Far, far f***ing from it, but the person saw the vision in our following. Um, I don’t want money, I want partners, so if you could bring a proposal on how your partnership would get more people on BetOpenly, could get us in more states, if you could take counting off my hands that would probably be one that I would give you a percentage, if I don’t have to feel like I’m dealing with taxes right now, it’s f***ing annoying, man. We run on fumes, so to file taxes where it’s like, “Yeah, $100 come in but I paid out $99, I owe tax on a dollar, not $100”, kind of a nightmare, but yeah, like, I would just say my inbox is open, it’s gino@betopenly.com. I do close my inbox on TikTok just because there’s sadly a more negative wave of people, there’s a lot of nice people, my inbox is open on Twitter. I think the population there is just of higher quality because a lot of it is tied to faces and businesses. Um, but I would say do it. Don’t talk about it, there’s a lot of room to go. The concept of prize picks didn’t exist 3 years ago and that’s a billion dollar [inaudible].
Unbelievable. Unbelievable. Well, Gino, I appreciate your time and I would be remiss without asking, where did your slogan, your catchphrase, where did that come from? And you haven’t even said it really here, but what do you say all the time on social media? You call your community the…
My degens, my degens.
“My degens”, you’re always saying that. Where did that come from? Is that just…
Yeah, it’s so funny. My nieces and nephews now say it to me. It’s kind of like, so just so you know, going back, I was a high school bookie. I’m sorry, I think enough years have passed now, I’m almost 40, you can’t persecute me for this. Um, me and my circle of friends would call each other “My degens” because we were the circle that sold pot, took bets, did all the shady s***, and we were just degenerates, and it was a long time ago, but that’s what we called each other, so then when I started a TikTok, one of my friends made one and said, “Hey, will you make a TikTok, explain your video for BetOpenly, I wanna send it to someone”. And he said “Say ‘my degens’, he’s one of our old homies from high school”. And a lot of people liked it and said “My degens” and wrote it back, and I even did a survey on Twitter like a long time ago and said “Is ‘my degens’ an offensive term” and 90% of them were like “F*** no, I love that term, we’re degens”, so it just stuck where I say “My degens”.
I love it, I love it.
[inaudible] is called “my degens”.
Yeah, yeah. I know. I love it, it’s awesome. Well done, Gino, I really appreciate you being here. Any last words, anything we missed touching before I let you go?
No, I just, do yourself a favor. You would never pay for the exact same stock at 90% more. You owe it to yourself to shop lines and odds, you owe it to yourself to look at the market. Hey, if it’s ten minutes to kickoff and you see 5 open bets for the Eagles on the Super Bowl, I get it, go get your bet filled, have your fun, crack a 12 pack, I love it, I’m a degen still, I bet every day. But I’m telling you, you owe it to yourself, because, again, we have 44% of our wallets are profitable, and the public books had 5%. That’s an 8x chance if you use my site versus that site that you’ll make money. And it’s not even about making money there, it’s entertainment. I know that sounds really stupid, you bet money to make money, but I joke with my wife, she gets really mad, she’s like “Why would you ever do this, even if you cut it down to 1%, it’s still 1% you’re losing.” And I say, “Well, if I go to the store and we buy a steak it’s $40, but if you take me down the street I’m paying $200.” I love gambling, it ups the entertainment, it ups, my text threads now, me and my homies are talking about our degenerate s*** and we’re fighting and arguing over who’s a bigger loser. So, I think it’s community engagement, and I think the degen community is getting cleaned up. It used to be super shady. Books and loan sharks, I think it’s gonna actually be a social way where people can do these things, and I know it sounds really weird to say that, but pot was frowned upon about 10 years ago, it’s insanely better for you than drinking alcohol, I do think being a degen with your family, with your friends, is a lot better than someone doing drugs and s*** like that. I’m sorry for being so boring and cheesy, but I know a lot of good people that have come together around gambling.
Absolutely, absolutely. Gino Donati, one of the good guys, BetOpenly.com, really appreciate you being here, Gino.
Cheers, brother. I appreciate you a lot.
Alright, take care. Bye-bye.
Alright, that was Gino Donati, BetOpenly.com. Wow, I am so glad I got to talk to him, I was just talking to people the other day in our community actually about BetOpenly, and they had all sorts of questions, so we’re gonna repost that there so they can listen to it as well. Really cool stuff going on with BetOpenly, so I encourage you to go out there. We’ll put all the links in the show notes. You can get all the links, we’ll put the link to his email, to the TikTok, I know a lot of the degen community is great out on TikTok, so you’ll have to go out there and check that out as well. Alright, that was Episode 194, I’m Ryan Knuppel. Until next time, take care, stay safe, we’ll talk to you soon. Bye-bye.
Relevant Links:
- Learn more about betOpenly on their website.
- Connect with BetOpenly on TikTok.
- You can reach out to Gino through his email gino@betopenly.com.
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Contact Ryan Knuppel
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryanknuppel
- Email: ryan@knupsolutions.com