
Drew Robinson: From Tragedy to Triumph

Baseball, MLB article at Knup Sports

Second chances are not guaranteed in any facet of life. In the story of Drew Robinson, his opportunity at a second chance was one in a million.

April 16th, 2020: A Day Drew Robinson Will Never Forget

Robinson woke up on April 16th with a plan to end his life. He sat on his kitchen table, ate what he thought would be his final meal, and finished constructing a note letting his loved ones know why he decided to take his own life.

He was alone in his house for over a month, beginning in March of 2020, because of the pandemic. On the outside, it could have appeared like Robinson had an extraordinary life. He had played 100 MLB games over three seasons.

The fourth-round pick from 2010 was transferred between Triple-A and the show for years. This fluctuation took a toll on Robinson, but he seemed happy to the outside world.

The truth was that Robinson was not okay. He was more than depressed. The man hated his life and did not want to live.

In his suicide note, Robinson wrote,

“I hope eventually that you guys will realize that no one could’ve seen this coming to prevent it because of how hard I try to hide it and that it’s no one else’s fault.”

He apologized to his family Daiana, Darryl, Renee, Britney, and Chad. Robinson had a great relationship with his loved ones, but nobody knew that the professional athlete was struggling to wake up.

When Robinson finished writing his suicide note, he started cleaning his house. He did not want to burden his family any more than he already would once he took his own life. When the clock struck 5:00 p.m., Drew Robinson knew it was time to finish what he was planning for the past month.

Drew Robinson grabbed his gun and placed the note on his kitchen counter before pulling out of his driveway in his truck. Robinson was planning on dying in a nearby park, but when he arrived, he turned around to head home.

When he pulled into his driveway, he took his gun inside and sat down on his couch with a glass of whiskey. One glass of whiskey turned into another and another before he gained the liquid courage to pull the trigger.

At 8:00 p.m., Drew Robinson pointed the gun at the side of his head and pulled the trigger. Robinson thought the sound of the weapon would be his last memory on earth. However, Drew Robinson’s story was just beginning.

Drew Robinson: Laying Down to Die

Robinson did not die from the gun wound, but the shot caused irreplaceable damage. He looked around and saw blood scattered on the walls and couch.

The one thing that Robinson could not understand is why he was still alive. Nobody is supposed to survive a gunshot to the head, but Drew had beaten the odds.

Robinson, who was delirious from the wound, attempted to clean himself in the shower. After falling on his floor, he crawled to the shower and let the water stream down his body. Robinson was still planning on dying, but he did not want his loved ones to see him in his gruesome state.

Once Robinson showered and even brushed his teeth, he went to bed, expecting never to wake up. Although, the 27-year-old beat the odds again.

Drew Robinson: April 17th

Robinson woke up on April 17th in pain, but he was not dead. He could barely walk, but the man who had beaten the odds managed to consume Tylenol before looking in the mirror at his mangled face. His right eye was gone, but he was starting to wonder if he could play baseball again with one eye.

This was the first time over the past day where Robinson began to think about living. At 3:30 p.m., after sitting on his couch for hours, he contemplated his life. One more bullet could end his existence, but a 9-1-1 call could save his life.

Drew Robinson chose to live.

Medical personnel and police rushed to Robinson’s house after revealing to the dispatcher that he shot himself in the head. Robinson called 9-1-1 at 3:44 p.m., and he was in the ambulance at 3:59 p.m. the ambulance departed for the UMC Trauma Center in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Drew spent 12 days at the UMC Trauma Center and five at a psychiatric hospital, but he did survive.

Drew Robinson: The Reason

Robinson lost his eye because of the 9 mm bullet that fired at 750 mph into his head, but the angle of the shot saved his life. The bullet went through his right orbital floor and departed his body next to his left cheekbone.

It missed the major arteries of his sinus, which gave him a chance to live. However, doctors cannot explain how he survived a gunshot wound to the head for 20 hours without medical attention.

For Robinson, he is still on earth for a reason.

“I was supposed to tell a story. I was supposed to go through that. I’m supposed to help people get through battles that don’t seem winnable. It was completely supposed to happen. There’s no other answer. It doesn’t make any sense. It was supposed to happen.”

Drew Robinson: Road to Recovery

Drew Robinson was selected in the fourth round of the 2010 MLB Draft by the Texas Rangers. He made his MLB debut in 2017 with the Rangers.

His promising career quickly took a turn because of a lack of production at the plate. Robinson appeared in 100 games over three seasons, slashing a combined .202/.296/.359.

His lack of dominance began his depression, and the pandemic made it overwhelming.

Before Robinson called 9-1-1, he asked himself if he could play baseball with one eye. The rehab that the utility player went through to walk was monumental, so he knew it would be a vast stretch to set foot on a field again.

If you have noticed a theme with Robinson, he always seems to beat the odds. Just one year after attempting to take his own life, he returned to action for the Giants’ Triple-A affiliate, the Sacramento Rivercats.

On May 9th, he answered his question that he had been contemplating for the past year. He could play baseball with one eye.

Robinson recorded a hit and made a diving catch for the Rivercats against the Las Vegas Aviators. The single and catch were more than just a base knock for Robinson and his family who attended the game.

It was a sign that anything is possible in life. Robinson, who uses his platform to preach his message of hope, had beaten the odds once again.

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