Ready for some energy? Join episode 207 as Dada 5000 talks about the history of bare knuckle fighting and how BYB Extreme is a leader and pioneer in this growing sport.
Ryan Knuppel:
What’s going on everybody? Ryan Knuppel here, coming back at you with episode 207 of the New Sports Show. Really excited that you’re here joining me once again where we bring you amazing, amazing business leaders, people in sports today, we have another amazing guest. And guess what? This may not be the type of sport I’ve covered in the past, but that’s okay. It’s something new, it’s something fresh, it’s something exciting, and I think you’re really going to enjoy this interview. I’m excited to get to know this individual and his company a little bit further. So I hope you are as well. Thanks for spending a few minutes listening to this show. We really appreciate the support. All without further ado, I’m going to go ahead and bring on my guest today. I got none other than Dada 5000. How you doing, my friend?
Dada 5000:
Hey, listen, I’m blessed. It’s amazing. You know what I’m saying? To share this space with you, share this, and I want the listeners to come away with the broader sense of extreme reality, and that’s just what we’re going to give them today. A real big dose of BYB Extreme. Ooh,
Ryan Knuppel:
I love your energy, my friend. I love your energy. So dad, as the founder, brand ambassador for BYB Extreme bare knuckle fighting. I’m excited to dive in. I’m excited to learn more myself as well. This is going to be kind of fresh for me as well. So bear with me as you educate me on this sport and what you guys are doing from a brand side. Super excited to dive in and hear all about it. So don’t hold anything back from us, please, but Dada, please tell us about yourself first, maybe about the man behind 5000. Where’d you come from? How did you get into this sport? Just tell us a little bit of background before we dive into the brand.
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Dada 5000:
Okay, so I’m originally from Nassau in The Bahamas, and my name is Deir, but the world calls me Dada because most folks could not pronounce the fear simple. So
We came up with Dada and the 5000 is because I feel like I was always ahead of my time, the things that I were doing, most folks could never understand it. And as time went on, it started to sink in. It was like, oh, now I see what he was talking about. Now I get it. And right now we’re in 2023, right? We’re still 277,000 light years ahead of the game. So when you look at the backyard, I was ahead of my time in the backyard because I was doing bare knuckles on the highest levels before it was even popular, before people started looking at it like, this can be an organized sport. And I got to say, shout out r i p to Kimball Slice, and we’re all from the same place. We revolutionized the way that individuals look at extreme reality. So I took what I seen them do and took it to a whole nother level, and I was rolling with them.
So we were all a part of the same common goal to grow the sport, right? And I’m sitting back and I said to myself, okay, creative minds never take a day off. Right Now we’re inside Miami, Pran West Pran. When you look at South Beach, when you look at Miami, they don’t talk about West Pran, right? They don’t. That’s the forgotten city. So what I did was I said, I know what I have. I know what I don’t have. I know the individuals in my surrounding community. I know the peoples. So what I did was I created something that was special and it was phenomenal. And I took, again, what we started with the Kimbo movement, and I opened it up to give every culture, every ethnic background, every person an opportunity to be the next kimbo for your peoples. And people said, Hey, listen, da, you’re making a big mistake.
This will never work. Listen, I got nominated for two Emmys on Telemundo, N B C Rolling Stones Magazine, rolling s ESPN Magazine Movie Spectacular, with Lindsey Bon on the front cover, ESPN 60 60, vice Media, EA Sports, done a commercial with Tiger Woods, Arnold Palmer, r i p, Arnie, and Lee Trevino, Netflix dog fight 1.8 billion people. Now watch it. Now we’re coming back around with an all new revised dog fight round one and an all new dog fight round two. You name it, we’re doing it. Everything we throws up, it blows up. Now, when you look at how we have took the game, right, we’re the original pioneers. Oh wow. Yeah. Listen, when Kimbo Slice first burst on the scene, nobody on the planet was hotter than that guy when he messed the guy’s eye up, right? Nobody on the planet was hotter than him.
I came up underneath him. This is before your KFCs and your game breads and any of that other stuff, right? Everybody took a page out of my playbook. They were all inspired by what we was doing down in South Florida. I was dominating from oh seven up until now. That’s like over a decade and a half on the highest levels. So I’ve connected and I’ve built bridges and wonderful products have been produced by where my collaborations, and like I said, you name a sports promotion company, they’ve all been back there and we’ve broke records. And this is just the beginning. B YB Extreme is the next phase of bare knuckle evolution.
Ryan Knuppel:
I mean, I tell you what, your energy is not matched, my friend. So Jill, you didn’t just create a brand, you literally created a sport. There’s not many people in this world that can say they created a sport. Tell me about the traction it’s getting in the US and nationwide in terms of interest level. I mean, are there a lot of people that are interested, one in participating in bare knuckle and then two, consuming the content and watching the content. What’s the interest level look like? Nationwide?
Dada 5000:
A hundred percent. It’s on 10. We literally got a Q score of about 90 and growing. And for the audience who don’t know what a Q score is, a Q score is how many people have heard of you, right? That means, I don’t know what Michael Jordan does, but I heard of Michael Jordan on the radio. I heard people talking about Michael Jordan on lunch. So it’s about how many people have heard that name. So when you talk about B Y P extreme, I say it all the time, when it comes to bare knuckle, we make the weekends, right? So from city to city, state to state, out of country, overseas, we’re blanketing the city, we’re blanketing the world. Again, creative minds never take a day off. So where we’re at right now is phenomenal because yes, we have traction and we have history. People can actually go back and they can fact, when you talk about fact checking, they know who d I is. They know D I was really in the backyard. They know this has evolved to BYB, nobody else can actually show, you know what I’m saying? Proof. When I’m posting content from a decade and a half ago, I can show a cease and desist that the state gave me because I was that disruptive. Nobody was going pro from these other gamut.
Wow. So I got the biggest and best managers, promoters, agents put training in their suits and ties for baseball hats and tennis shoes coming down to sunny South Florida because this is it. This was a taboo subject. Most folks could not fandom the thought that Barr knuckle is really going on, and it was always underground, hush hush. Mom’s the word need to know. But I crushed that notion.
And when they said, Hey, listen, this is really going on, and we did it on the highest levels. Listen, I was getting compared to events that they were holding at the Miami Airlines arena. We had food, we had entertainment, we had everything. When you walk passes, real tickets from Ticketmasters, credentials, everything. It was phenomenal. And this came from this mind. It’s unbelievable. So now it’s a no-brainer. When individuals sit back and they say, yo, listen, this thing, what they’re doing is so phenomenal that I was clearly ahead of his time. So now I have to reeducate the individuals because a lot of these millennials, they don’t know who the real godfathers of this thing is. Listen, we was doing bare knupple fighting back in oh 7, 0 8, you know what I’m saying? Bcal C came on board a decade later in 2018, we started BYB in 2014, boxers and wrestlers have always competed in the squared Circle M Fighter have always competed in the octagon.
What we did was we said, that’s done. We’re innovators, we’re creators. So we’re going to create our own space. And we created the Mighty Trigon, the most dominant fighting forum on the planet known to man this thing. It has a 97% Koko slash tko finish rate. When you look at astrology numerology, when you look at just being that force, because again, I’m down to 5000 with just in 2023, follow me. So I connect things from here and bring it to here. Stuff that most people don’t even think about, right? So it’s like I said, you have shapes, you have triangle, square circle, rectangle, drop down, low. You have the Pentagon, the help, the gun, the Nana gun, the octagon. You never had a trigon.
So we left the triangle there, but we created our own space, the mighty Trigon, because it’s most dominant and it stands in the towers overall, when you look at it, the triangle has always been at the center of speculation, curiosity, history. How did they get the pyramids here? Look on the back of your money, you have the triangle. Bermuda Triangle Basketball, they run a triangle. Offense, love triangle. Triangle is the most sought out, the most talked about shaped, and its secret societies, so forth like that. So it was a no brainer that we came up with a fighting forum such as the Mighty Trigon. This thing is a beast. It devours individuals. And again, creative minds never take a day off, and we’re just skyrocketing. We’re our only competition, and we challenge ourselves to get bigger and better. Each event. Mississippi on the 16th, Biloxi, get ready.
Ryan Knuppel:
Oh, I love it. Oh my gosh, you’re making my life easy here. I mean, you are leading, taking care of all the questions and everything you say. Thank you so much for all of that. I got a question though, a random question. So participate. Did you participate in this sport or are you truly just an advocate promoter? I mean, is this something that, are you a part of it as well, or are you really just promoting and part of the business mind of this sport?
Dada 5000:
I’m some of everything. So I did compete in the backyard. Did
Ryan Knuppel:
You? Okay. That’s where my mind is.
Dada 5000:
Enough fights cool, but I understood at that time it was very important. I build a strong foundation so I understood this is what I want to do, but to see this thing flourish and survive and thrive, this is what I got to do. So in the backyard, I was the anchor. I held everything together. I made sure that the fighters, they were coming out there and I made sure that they had individuals inside the audience when they’re performing that can change their lives. My thing was I’m reaching out to networks, I’m reaching out to promoters, I’m reaching out to this, I’m reaching out to that, and they were showing up, and we’ve sent more than 12 Athletes pro. We’re talking about to Big 10 boxing. We’re talking about to U F C. So they were coming out of the backyard, and that’s where the problem started, because you have athletes that were counseling their memberships to gyms saying, man, listen, Pato, he just went pro from DA’s Yard, so I’m going to go to DA’s Yard.
So now you have a thousand calls starting to come in to the Florida Athletic Boxing Commission because I’m doing these fights in my backyard, so I’m not paying the commission. I’m not paying none of the fees, the sanctioning bodies, the judges, all of that type of stuff like that. So they were getting bitter and I was getting a bigger outcome. So I minimized the cost and I was providing the greater service to the fighters because the result was evident. They see individuals going to these promotions. So once they started really being consistent with calling, that’s when they started reaching out to me. And that’s when they started saying, Hey, listen, we got to stop this guy. But look, yo, I had an awesome run when they hit me with the cease and Assist, that was like a year and a half, and we’re still going because out of all of that time, I got hundreds of fights that the world has not even seen.
Ryan Knuppel:
Interesting, interesting. Well, Dada, I want to bring up something actually, where you got on my radar was on some recent news, maybe a press release or something that came out. It kind of leads me into my next question, but it was in regards to I think a boxer potentially taking off his gloves and fighting bare knuckle style at your event on September 16th. Correct. Tell us a little bit about that. You threw out a challenge to somebody first. Tell us a little bit about that. But then secondly, are you starting to see boxers and M M A and the glove fighters kind of come to this bare knuckle and really transform into the sport you created?
Dada 5000:
Of course, of course. Keep one thing in mind. I have this monik that I say, Hey, listen, anybody can get it right? And I’m sitting back because I’m cerebral. So when you say creating a fighting form, the mighty trigon, you know what I’m saying? It promotes confrontation. So it’s like I’ve mastered this thing because it started here before it became something tangible, a reality. So I know the highs, I know the lows. Doesn’t matter who get in there from what walk of life they’re from, they’re going to all lay down here when they get in here. So it’s like for me, listen, I’m training now. I’m literally drenched because right now we’re inside the office slash gym slash fighting forum that we house one of these beasts, the mighty trigon. He’s growling back then now because it’s getting close to the 16th, it’s almost time for him to eat. You know what I’m saying? Calm down, big fella, calm down. We going to feed you soon. So it’s like at the end of the day, to get back to your question, I’m training to get back in action now, and it doesn’t matter who’s in front of me, the outcome is going to go one way. Me getting my hand raised in victory. Now, before the gloves were ever on, they were off.
Even U F C, even boxing, when they used to fight like this, they didn’t have on no gloves. It evolved into the sports that it is now. U F C, these guys, you could be 130 pounds and fight somebody 260 pounds. They had to figure this thing out as they went on. So it’s like history repeats itself. Now we’re back. We gave birth to boxing and M M A, I
Ryan Knuppel:
Love it.
Dada 5000:
And again, before the gloves were on, they were off. Now we’ve spent the block back around and they understand the importance of our evolution and of the history. So a lot of folks, they dunno the history, but they’re about to get educated that is nothing new under the sun. And when you talk about bare knupple, I garnished more attention. I’ve educated the world about the culture more than anybody the past 150, 200 years before me. Because we have projects on Netflix. I have collaborated with some of the biggest promotions in the backyard, so they could know what’s coming next.
Ryan Knuppel:
And I don’t mean to interrupt you, but that leads me right into what I wanted to talk about next. And really, how has content, content creation played a part in this? I mean, you seem like you’re a content creator at heart. Your brand, you’re everything. I mean, you’re at every content creation channel out there. Talk a little bit about your content creation process and the impact it’s had on the growth of BYB Extreme.
Dada 5000:
Well, not just the growth of BYB Extreme, but the mental, you know what I’m saying, stimulation that sparked the brain cells of these other individuals that are starting to do what we are doing saying, Hey, I got hit with a cease. And that says, no, you did not, but it sounds good until somebody fact check it. And they see that it’s not. So everybody has emulated what we’ve done. I can show content from 2007, 2008 till present. Nobody else out there was doing this. Because again, when Kimbo started doing what he was doing, he was the hardest thing out there. I came up right under him, and I had a different mentality with a different vision to create a platform. And that’s what we did. So now it’s like, yes, creating content, content is king. So I have so much content that we’ve created to the point that I can sit back right now and once a week for the next two years, I could put out a new bare knuckle fight that was done over a decade ago and not repeat it. Nobody else got that.
Ryan Knuppel:
Dada 5000:
So now that I see that everybody is piggybacking and everybody is saying certain things, I just posted a video yesterday with me doing a voiceover. I said, the olds back. I didn’t have no competition in the backyard. I annihilated anybody who gave it a thought. I ruled the Lord with an iron fist. So not byb, right? It’s a different animal. We have CEOs and presidents. You have to treat it like a building. But I’m that dude. And I love and I respect everybody because together we’re achieving the highest goals. But I’m still that dude from the backyard. And when other people say things that’s not true, I’d be like, I want to get them, but I can’t bring that mentality like how I want to. But I’m like, boy, if you would’ve caught me a few years ago, you would’ve been exposed and would’ve hung you out the dry.
You know what I’m saying? Like dirty clothes. And like I say, when it was not fight time, the might have. Trigon in the backyard was used as a clothes line. We always find what I’m saying, outlets and resources to make everything useful and beneficial, continuously inspiring other individuals. When I was inside the backyard, I knew what these individuals had. I knew what they didn’t have. I knew they didn’t have a high school diploma. I knew they didn’t have a trade, they didn’t have a skill. They came from a broken environment. And the only time they got acknowledged for something, it was negative. Hey man, why you done that? Or Hey, man, why you moved that? So when I created the backyard, right, I was giving these individuals, the society as wore off as losers an opportunity. And for the first time in a long term, Hey man, you did a good job.
Hey man, I like that. Keep up the good work. And people started acknowledging them that under any other circumstances, they wouldn’t have even been given a thought. They wouldn’t even been given a thought. And they’re like, thank you, Dada. So now they’re really implying and putting their training forward. And most of them, it’s a lifestyle now. So right now we’re moving forward full steam ahead, BYB Extreme, the next phase of Bare Knuckle evolution all around the world. We large with the originators. And I tell everybody, follow the originators, follow the innovators. Stay away from the copycats, the duplicates, the individuals that want to take credit. But it’s easy. You know what? I’m the talk. It’s harder to do know what I’m, and we’ve endured. We don’t just do this. This has followed with action, and we’ve been proven B b extreme. I’m saying it embodies the same principles that the backyard was founded on. We say, we mean what we see. We share what the fighters, the vision that we have for them so they can see it. So when they get out there, this is an opportunity, just like with anything for those guys who are playing NFL, that’s not a career. That’s an opportunity that you’ve been afforded. Basketball, NBA, that’s an opportunity. This is an opportunity. You know what I’m saying? Make sure I’m saying you take it for what it’s worth and go for the goal live. Wow.
Ryan Knuppel:
Wow. You’re clearly an amazing business person and an energetic person as well. I love, love that. Hey, random question for you. So a lot of the audience, a lot of our show focus in the past has been around sports betting. So we do a lot of sports betting. We bring on a lot of gaming professionals, business owners in that space. My question for you is, can you bet on the brawl, on the bayou? I mean, are there betting odds? Is that even something that’s entertained in this world or is that not a hundred percent? Are we before that?
Dada 5000:
No, no, no, no. A hundred percent because it is being done. You have that online, you have a couple others. It’s all about which one the promotion wants to go with. So there
Ryan Knuppel:
Are eyes on your fights.
Dada 5000:
Yes, they’re there. And this is a professional environment that when you look at horse races, when you look at MMA, when you look at boxing, it’s no different. It’s no different. And because we’re a part of the A, B, C, the sanction and body, so the same sanction and body that governs boxing, that governs MMA now governs bare knuckle. So it’s no different. Cool. So everything these other top 10 promotions do we have to abide by. Very true. And now we’re opened up to so many cities, like I said, city to city, state to state out country overseas. I hope the fight fans already for BYB Extreme, were real. We’re raw, we’re authentic. And you can’t mention bare knuckle. Nowhere on the planet if 5000 and BYB is not aside your opening sentence,
Ryan Knuppel:
I’m pumped up baby. Hey Dada, how do they get ahold of you if they want to get ahold of you or check out, I put the website up earlier, I’ll link to byb But if they want to get ahold of you, what’s the best avenue? You seem like a person that would love to just chat with business people and brainstorm and talk through some of this stuff.
Dada 5000:
A hundred percent. My Instagram is the real five. They can also go to the real 5000 on YouTube and check out a lot of vintage content that we’re going to start uploading even more in the days and the weeks to come so they could be more versed and educated of how far BYB Extreme. Go back like, listen, we was around when the dinosaurs was around and thought in theory. And you can follow me at the Dhafir Harris on Facebook and the real 5000 on Twitter. And also subscribe, subscribe, subscribe to BYB Extreme YouTube channel, and to the real 5000 YouTube channel. And listen, we’re inviting you guys on a journey. So we’re not just asking you to follow us. We’re saying, Hey, listen, come with us as we embark upon this journey. So guess what? When we continue to make history, we’re not just making history, we’re making history together because you’re a part of this journey.
Ryan Knuppel:
I love it. I will put all of those links in the show notes. I’ll make sure so you don’t have to rattle ’em down. I’ll make sure to link everything out there. We’ll get people over to you. Hey, I’m going to let you go. I really appreciate your time. I know you’re probably a busy man. I mean, you’re nine days away from the bra on the Bayou. Are you ready? Are you
Dada 5000:
Ready? A hundred percent. Listen, we stay ready. So they say if you stay ready, you don’t have to get ready. I train every day. I got a fight coming up and I don’t, right? But whenever I get that call or anything that I got to do when I show up, I look the part, right? Also, I got to give shout out to the fighters of BYB Extreme, all of the men and women that go out there and lay it all on the line for the fight, fans, entertainment and enjoyment. I say thank you from the bottom of my heart, my, because without you guys, we don’t have a promotion. And that’s in general, not just with us. We’re all promoters across the globe. Shout out to Mike Vasquez for Believing Inside Division. When I first sat down and talked to that guy in 2014, he got it and he put his money where his mouth is, and his business acumen is second to none.
And now look at us now to everybody who doubted it. Now they’re on that bandwagon, right? Shout out to Greg Bloom and accomplished, you know what I’m saying? Entertainment attorney for believing in the vision coming on board as the C e o. Shout out to Mike Goldberg. Mike Goldberg from U F C from Bellator. It’s on our team two time boxing world champion Pauly Ali. It’s on our team, Claudia Torres on our team, Benny Ricardo, big Mo, when you talk about Nelson swag, listen, we have a whole bunch of superpowers. Don, who does our pr? Listen, I’m going to stop because I don’t want to leave out somebody, but listen, you guys know who you are. You guys rock. And I’m going to take my hat off even though my hair is braided down,
Ryan Knuppel:
Looking good, looking
Dada 5000:
Good, cut hat off to the post. But thank you for having me on your platform, and this is just the first of many that I’m sure you what I’m saying we’ll have as we continue to make headways and we continue to change. You know what I’m saying? The paradigm of how people look at combat sports. We’re extreme. We’re above all us, and 5000 is here, and BYB, we’re not going anywhere. We’re going to be around for a long time. Thank you for having me. Episode 2 0 7.
Ryan Knuppel:
There you go.
Dada 5000:
Goes down.
Ryan Knuppel:
There you go. Dada 5000. I appreciate your time, my friend. You got a new fan in me. And guess what? We’re going to give some coverage on our show and on our blog and everything, we’re going to cover some of your fights as well. I’m excited to kind of dive into this myself and for our readers and really help bring a little more attention. Not that you need more attention, you can get that attention, I tell you what, but I’ll bring you a little bit more if I can. So I appreciate your time today, my friend, and you’re welcome on anytime.
Dada 5000:
Hey, I appreciate you, and as always, when it comes to bare knuckle, thank BYB Extreme, we make the weekends.
Ryan Knuppel:
Yes, sir. All right, my friend. Good luck with everything. Thank you. We’ll talk to you soon.
Dada 5000:
Thank you.
Ryan Knuppel:
Alright, that was 5000 of BYB Extreme. Man. What a great guy. Well, I love his energy. I love his story. I mean, I think all of you owners, and I know a lot of you are business owners and CEO, and you’re like, Ryan, why did you interview a promoter from a bare knuckle fighting? But think about all the business. Think about all the sports business tips he gave throughout that talk. Think about all of them. I mean, creative minds never take a day off, stay prepared. You never got to get prepared. All of that stuff relates to sports, business relates to what you do, no matter what business and what sport you’re in, man, BYB Extreme, bare knuckle fighting. I’m really pumped about that interview. That went really well. I really appreciate Dada coming on. He’s got a fan in me.
I’m going to make sure I follow that a little bit further. So hopefully you enjoyed that. If you have other guests that you think would be great on this show, again, we love to focus on people doing great things in sports, business, iGaming, sports betting, general sports, random sports, things of that nature. So we love to bring on, tell their story just like Dada 5000 today. Hopefully that was entertaining to you. And you guys learned a little bit about the history of bare knuckle fighting. I know I did. I didn’t know all that history, but now I do. So super exciting. We’ll put the show notes up with all those links to get ahold of Dada if you want to get ahold of him. Thank you for your time. Thank you for listening supporting this show, episode 207 in the books. We are having a lot of fun with this show. And now football season’s here, we’re going to be doing a lot more. We got a whole slate scheduled throughout the rest of this month and into 2024 as well. So thank you so much. Have a good day. And until next time, I’m Ryan Knuppel checking out. Bye-bye.

Relevant Alan Casey Links
- Learn more about Dada 5000 on Wikipedia.
- Catch up on BYB Extreme on their website.
- Check out the BYB Extreme Fighting Series Youtube
- BYB Extreme on Instagram
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