
Alex Len Traded to Wizards on February 06, 2025

Alex Len has been traded from the Sacramento Kings to the Washington Wizards. The transaction took place on February 06, 2025. Len will join the Wizards as they prepare for their upcoming games.

Alex Len has played in 35 games this season, averaging 1.5 points, 1.8 rebounds, and 0.9 assists per game. His field goal percentage stands at 53.7%, while he has not made any three-point shots this season. Len’s performance has seen him finish in the top 5 in assists for his position in 3 out of 35 games.

The Kings have averaged 116.9 points per game in the games he has played, compared to 114.9 points per game when he has not played. The team has a record of 19-16 in games he participated in, indicating his presence has contributed to their overall performance this season.

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