If you’re an athlete, you know better than anyone how important it is to be alert and energized each time you play or compete. Having stamina means you can make quick decisions, use critical thinking skills, and win more often. Unfortunately, stamina isn’t something that comes naturally, and it has a limit. If you don’t take the proper steps to build your stamina, it starts to suffer and decline.
For those athletes who have been feeling a lack of stamina lately, we’ve got some great tips for you.
Don’t Underestimate the Power of Cardio
We’ll discuss many ways to improve your stamina, but few are as important as cardio. Cardio training helps you to perform your best and not only win for yourself, but also for any fans who will visit bookmakers to bet on you one day. (It’s good to dream, isn’t it?)
Everyone’s specific physical needs are unique, but generally speaking, you should aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate cardio per week. You can break it up however you choose, but that works out to roughly 20 minutes per day. Experts also suggest you mix in vigorous cardio activity if possible, even if it’s just short bursts.
The good news about cardio is that it can be customized to meet your fitness level and needs. If you’re new to cardio, you can start by walking. Eventually, you can take longer walks and gradually increase your pace to push your limits and build endurance.
If you want to kick your cardio workout into high gear, choose more vigorous activities. Some examples of this include swimming, jumping rope, running, cycling, playing sports, and dancing. There are many cardio activities and exercises, so you won’t get bored.
Add Strength Training to Your Health Routine
As important as cardio is, it’s not the only type of exercise you should embrace. Building muscle will also help you gain endurance and stamina. The one important tip when beginning strength training is to start small and gradually increase the weights. If you try to lift too much too fast, you risk injuring yourself. That could set you back for days, even weeks.
There is nothing wrong with starting with just a couple of pounds. If you’ve never lifted weights, it might feel challenging at first, but ensure you lift correctly and safely. You can watch weight training videos online, train with a friend at the gym, or even hire a personal trainer.
Get Lots of Quality Sleep
Unfortunately, exercise alone won’t improve your stamina; you also need to give your body the rest it needs. Sleep allows your body to recover and perform to its maximum potential. If you aren’t getting enough sleep, or your sleep is broken, you’ll suffer physically and mentally. Your reaction time, concentration, focus, and problem-solving skills will all take a hit if you’re tired, which will negatively affect your performance.
According to experts, adults require seven to nine hours of sleep nightly. Any less than seven hours will affect your stamina.
If you have a hard time falling asleep or you wake often through the night, here are some tips to improve your sleep:
- Make sure your bedroom is the ideal temperature for sleeping. It should be cool, not cold.
- Use blackout curtains to darken the room.
- Use a sound machine to create a relaxing bedroom vibe.
- Establish and stick to a bedtime routine, even on weekends. This includes going to bed at the same time every night.
- Consider a new mattress and pillow if yours are old.
- Avoid alcohol and caffeine in the late afternoon and evening, as they can keep you awake.
- Resist watching TV in bed or scrolling on your smartphone. Your brain needs a chance to unwind at least one hour before you go to bed.
Focus on What You Eat
The final piece of the puzzle is your diet. No, we don’t mean you need to go on a strict diet and start counting calories, but you do want to be mindful of what you eat. The best tip is to keep your body performing optimally by maintaining a balanced diet rich in essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.
It can be confusing to know what to eat and what size portions, so a good resource is the Dietary Guidelines for Americans provided by the Food and Agriculture Organization. This is a general guideline that focuses on fruits, grains, vegetables, dairy, and proteins—the building blocks of a well-balanced meal. Meanwhile, the USDA’s MyPlate website is extremely simple to use, helps you build your diet, and takes the guesswork out of healthy eating.
Once you get to know your health better and set specific goals, you can then start to make adjustments to the food guidelines. This doesn’t mean you can’t indulge here and there, but keep it to a minimum. If you have a day of unhealthy choices, make sure you follow a more balanced approach the rest of the week.
In Summary
The good news is that improving your stamina isn’t difficult—as long as you know a few effective tips. All of these will help you to boost your energy and even improve your abilities. Keep in mind that these tips will be more effective when you embrace a few rather than just one on the list. You also need to be consistent, as the results can take some time to show up.